Soloviev Konstantin Anatolievich
Doctor of History
<p>He has been working at the Department of Political History of the Federal State University since 1990, Deputy head of the Department for Scientific Activities, member of the Academic Council of the Faculty, member of the Methodological Council of the Faculty.</p>
<p>He was awarded the medal "In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" and the S.N. Trubetskoy Medal of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University. Winner of the "Best Books of 2009" competition (as part of the author's team), held by the Association of Book Publishers of Russia (nomination: "The best books about Moscow").</p>
<p>The winner of the competition of works contributing to the solution of the tasks of the Moscow University Development Program in 2016 (methodological work) and in 2017.</p>
Founder and first curator of moscow university I.M. Shuvalov on the formation of a managerial elitLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.93-110read more67
The formation of a qualitatively new managerial elite became one of the key directions in the transformation of the Russian public administration system in the 18th century. A key role in this process, in relation to the second half of the century, was played by the creator and first curator of Moscow University, Count I. I. Shuvalov. The purpose of this article is to identify and systematize conceptual approaches to the process of improving the education of the country’s managerial elite, proposed by I.I. Shuvalov in the process of his managerial activities. The basic method for implementing this task is to analyze texts written by Shuvalov. This analysis was carried out using methods of documentary, system and semantic analysis. The main result of the analysis was an understanding of the place and role of Shuvalov in the process of transforming the system of training the country's managerial elite. I.I. Shuvalov outlined all the shortcomings of the old system of training the nobility, which, by the middle of the 18th century, had become archaic. He highlighted two key problems of the education system in force at that time: weak motivation to study and the lack of social elevators. At different stages of his activity, as the founder and first curator of Moscow University, he proposed measures to improve the education system. Some of Shuvalov's proposals were implemented and justified themselves. The other part of the measures he proposed was not implemented in the 18th century. In the next century, transformations similar in spirit to Shuvalov’s proposals were carried out.
Keywords: history of Russia, XVIII century, history of public administration, managerial elite, history of education, Moscow University, I.I. Shuvalov.
Report of the Curator of Moscow University I.I. Melissino to Count I.I. Shuvalov as an Example of Management Communication in Russia in the Second Half of the 18th centuryLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 2. p.118-137read more729
Report of the curator of Moscow University I.I. Melissino is a prime example of management communication in the second half of the 18th century. An analysis of this text revealed structural elements common to the documents of that era. These include: an introductory part, containing a theoretical justification for the one to which the note is devoted; highlighting key issues (point by point); a set of proposed solutions and a motive-praising conclusion. An individual feature of Melissino is to consider distinguishing two different types of problem solving. The first type is the general direction of work. The second type is a set of management actions. Melissino offered options for action, based on the possibility of obtaining funds. This is not the case for other authors whose memoranda were used for comparison.
Keywords: Russia of the XVIII century, Moscow University, management communication, history of management thought, I.I. Melissino, I.I. Shuvalov
The principles of public administration in the social utopia of Prince M.M. Shcherbatova “Journey to the land of Ophir, Mr. S... Swedish nobleman”Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 2. p.3-19read more784
Shcherbatov’ literary utopia can be considered as a treatise on the methods of public administration. It contains a description of three methods: “spatial management”, “feedback” and “personal behavior management.” They constitute a unity that allows preserving, developing and enhancing communication between the authorities and the population of the country. Each of these mechanisms is described in territorial, temporary and mental space of the “ideal” state. Shcherbatov saw the potential use of these mechanisms in modern Russia. But he understood that there were no conditions for their implementation in the management system The mechanisms proposed by him were not invented by him. Separate elements of each of them existed in the socio-political thought of European education. It was due to Scherbatov, that he discerned the possibilities of using this kind of mechanism, which was much ahead of his time.
Keywords: history of Russia, 18th-century Russia, history of managerial thought, M.M. Shcherbatov, literary utopia
Adoption of state decisions during the reign of Emperor Alexander II according to the “Note on the terms of military service” of Prince A.A. Shcherbatov)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 1. p.80-97read more586
The subject of the research is the process of developing government decisions in Russia in the 1870s, based on the case of the development of the Charter on military service. The objectives of this article include identifying an algorithm for discussing a proposed government decision and indicating the characteristic features of the chosen method of solving issues of state importance. The basic method in solving these problems is the textual analysis of the document, conventionally designated by the publishers as “A.A. Shcherbatov on the issues of the terms of military service”. The result was the definition of four phases in the process of preparing and making government decisions. Each phase has a specific load. For the first phase — the formation of ideas of army professionals about the needs of the troops, in the transition to a new principle of their formation. For the second phase — the approbation of these ideas in society and the correction of the outlined plans. For the third phase — clarification of the developed provisions in polemics with representatives of “interest groups” that developed at that time in the management elite. For the fourth phase — the consolidation of the reform elements formed during the discussion process at the state level.
Keywords: history of Russia, history of state administration, military reform of Alexander II, the Charter on military service, commission of F.L. Heyden, A.A. Shcherbatov
The views of the great knyaz Konstantin Nikolaevich on state administration in Russia (based on the note "On the project of public administration reforms")Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.104-121read more732
The subject of this research is a set of ideas on improving public administration in the Russian Empire, put forward by one of the most significant statesmen of the second half of the 19th century, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. The objectives of this article are to identify and systematize the views of Konstantin Nikolaevich on management. The basic method in solving these problems is a textual analysis of the document, conventionally designated by the publishers as a note "On the project of public administration reforms." The result was the selection of a set of management principles on which the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich relied when preparing proposals for improving public administration in Russia; characteristics of the goals and directions of the transformation in the system of public administration, which he proposed in the mid-1860s and late 1870s.
Keywords: history of Russia; Russia of the 19th century; history of public administration; history of administrative thought; public administration reforms; Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich
The Mental history of Political investigation in Russia (Book review: Ulyanova L.V. "Political police and the Liberal Movement in the Russian Empire: the power of the Game, the power game")Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 4. p.111-117read more602
Information asymmetry and opportunism of subjects: possibilities of institutional analysis in the history of Public Administration in RussiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.3-29read more595
The main research problem of this article is the possibility of applying
some concepts of the neo-institutional approach to analyzing the history
of public administration system in Russia in the 19th — early 20th centuries,
as well as in the late Soviet era. Th is allows us to better understand the general
patterns of evolution of the mechanisms of state institutions functioning
in the past and present. Th e research method was case analysis; the selected
cases relate to manifestations of information asymmetry and opportunism of
subjects of state governance interactions. Th e paper examines the reaction of
government offi cials to the Decree of Alexander I of August 6, 1809 “On the
rules of promotion to ranks in the civil service and on tests in the sciences,
for promotion to Collegiate Assessors and State Councilors.” As the second
example illustrating the manifestation of “government opportunism”, the period
of the “Great Reforms” in Russia was chosen. Th e third case considered
was the development by the supreme power of normative documents ensuring
the activities of representative government bodies created in accordance with
the provisions of the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. Th e latest of the analyzed
cases were manifestations of information asymmetry and opportunism during
the perestroika period, examined using the examples of cotton pricing and the
behavior of regional government offi cials in relation to production cooperatives.
In all analyzed cases, the possession of more information by one of the parties led to an increase in mistrust between the participants in the interaction, usually
supporters of reforms and their opponents. In turn, mistrust resulted in opportunistic
behavior of subjects in the process of developing and implementing
reform plans. Ultimately, all this led to falling into institutional traps and the
consolidation of negative institutional qualities.Keywords: Institutional trap; asymmetry of information; opportunism; Decree “On Examinations for Rank”; civil service; “Great Reforms”; Manifesto of October 17; 1905; State Council; State Duma; perestroika; Supreme Council of the USSR; State Committee for Prices of the USSR; production cooperative
HISTORICAL POLITICS AS A TOOL FOR OVERCOMING THE CRISIS OF LEGITIMACY: EXPERIENCE OF THE 15TH CENTURYLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 2. p.141-158read more318
Historical policy is an important tool in the implementation of the policy of building national unity. The object of the article is the activity of the Russian state in the second half of the 15th century. on the formation of a new model of historical politics. The subject of the article is historical politics as a way to overcome the crisis of legitimacy and form a new state paradigm. The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions for the forma- tion of a new model of historical politics, based on the principle of translatio imperii, as well as the forms of transition to this model. The key method is a comparative analysis of texts, ritualized actions and material objects, which, in their totality, constituted the basis of a new model of historical memory. The conclusion is that the main condition for the transition to a new model of his- torical memory has been determined. This is a contradiction between the new ways of exercising state power, and historical ideas about power and manage- ment, which have developed on the basis of the ancient Russian “patrimonial” tradition.
Keywords: historical memory; historical politics; history of Russia; history of public administration; ethno-confessional politics; political history; history of Russia; Ivan III
Conceptualization of management is a qualitatively new phenomenon in the history of Russian management thought. Its beginning is associated with the attempts of several statesmen of the last quarter of the 18th century to form a system of views about the goals, objectives, principles and methods of public administration in Russia. The most significant texts of this kind include the “Order” of Paul I and the note of A.A. Bezborodko “On the needs of the Russian Empire.” The purpose of this article is to identify the conceptual elements of management theory that are contained in these texts. For this purpose, common features were established in the two approaches to the formation of the concept of public administration, as well as the differences between them. To solve these problems, methods of text conceptualization are used, combined with semantic analysis at the first stage of the study and comparative analysis at the final stage. The first result of the analysis was the identification of basic commonalities in these two approaches. The common feature was goal-setting, the universal principle of the “triumph” of laws and part of the instrumental principles of management: autocracy and the separation of classes. The second result was the identification of important differences in the understanding of instrumental principles, as well as in what management mechanisms were supposed to be used within the framework of the two emerging concepts. Paul's concept did not provide for clearly defined decision-making procedures and relied on a mechanism of bureaucratic control over the population. Bezborodko proposed developing a mechanism for public participation.
Keywords: history of Russia, eighteenth century, public administration, history of management thought, management concepts, Emperor Paul the First, Chancellor Bezborodko