ISSN 2073-2643
En Ru
ISSN 2073-2643
Manuscript review process

Manuscript review process

  1. All articles submitted to “Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21” undergo an obligatory review process.

  2. After the initial review by the editorial staff (for conformance to the requirements on formatting and thematic specialization of the journal), deputy editor-in-chief submits the article to a specialist (Ph.D.) in an appropriate field of study for a full review.

  3. Reviewer is notified that the article is private property of the author and its content is not to be disclosed in any way. The reviewers are not permitted to copy the article.

  4. Review process is double blind (the author does not know the reviewer; the reviewer does not know the author).

  5. Review process usually takes 2 to 6 weeks, though occasionally it may take longer, in case the reviewer is otherwise occupied or unavailable.

  6. Depending on the results of the review the article may be accepted for publication, rejected, or returned to the author with suggestions for improvement provided by the reviewer.

  7. The editors send the author a copy of the review or a motivated rejection.

  8. On request, copies of the review are also submitted to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.

  9. If the review contains suggestions for improvement and reworking the article, the reworked article must undergo the review process again.

  10. Final decision about the publication is made by a vote of the Board of Editors.

  11. After the Board of Editors accepts an article for publication, the editorial staff informs the author that the manuscript is accepted for publication specifying the time of publication.

  12. The Board of Editors stores original review papers for five years.