Alexander Olegovich Naumov

PhD. in History
On the question of the causes of the " color revolutions»: a look from Russia and abroadLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 4. p.66-81read more996
Despite the substantial number of studies devoted to color revolutions, there is no common approach to understanding this geopolitical phenomenon in the modern scientific discourse. Interpretations of the essence of color revolutions can di er dramatically: from a spontaneous uprising of the masses to the use of special technology by the United States to overthrow political regimes. For the first time in Russian historiography this article presents a systematic analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of color revolutions. The key issue is the ratio of endogenous and exogenous factors that led to the color revolutions. The scientific works of leading domestic and foreign experts on this problem are considered. The authors come to the conclusion that applied research of color revolutions in the works of both foreign and domestic scientists is carried out from different positions. Discourse about the endogenous origins of color revolutions prevails in the Western scientific world, while many Russian researchers consider external in uences to be their primary cause. According to the author’s concept, it was external factors that played a key role in the origin of the color revolutions, because it was the technologies of the so power of the United States and its allies that became the key reasons and, at the same time, tools for carrying out these operations to dismantle political regimes in the beginning of the XXI century.
Keywords: Color revolution; Soft power; Hybrid war; Non-violent struggle; Bulldozer revolution; Rose revolution; Orange revolution; Tulip revolution; Arab Spring
«SOFT POWER» AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN IN THE GREATER EURASIALomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 3. p.115-133read more279
The article provides analysis of the soft power and public diplomacy potential of the Islamic Republic of Iran, one of the key players within the Greater Eurasia. Iran has been in confrontational relations with the United States for almost half a century, is subject to various sanctions from the collective West, and is the target of attacks in the information space discrediting its sovereign path of development. Considering this, official Tehran strives to create an international image of a peace-loving state with a rich history and cultural traditions. The article examines the soft power technologies and public diplomacy tools used by Iran to solve this problem. The authors come to the conclusion that the conceptual foundations of the country’s foreign policy, cultural and historical heritage and tourism potential, the Farsi language, religious, educational diplomacy, media and digital diplomacy and the digitalization process are effective tools of Iran’s soft power and public diplomacy that are to assist in achieving significant success of Iran in regional and world politics.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, Persia, Iran, soft power, public diplomacy, Greater Eurasia, Islamic Revolution, Dialogue Among Civilizations, cultural diplomacy, Farsi diplomacy, religious diplomacy, educational diplomacy, media diplomacy, Iranophobia.
Bricsology at the School of Public Administration: formation and development of a new scientifi c disciplineLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.140-150read more97
The article is devoted to the study of the formation and development of a new scientific discipline – Bricsology. The paper examines the key stages of the evolution of the BRICS, the role of this group in the modern system of global governance and its importance for each of the member countries. It is argued that this international format, representing a real Concert of civilizations, is today an important construction of the emerging polycentric world. The main milestones in the study of the BRICS at the School of Public Administration are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the activities of the Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Issues, whose staff has been actively researching problems related to the functioning of the alliance since the early 2010s. The long-term work on the implementation of International BRICS Models on the basis of the School of Public Administration is separately noted. The author comes to the conclusion that at the moment a new interdisciplinary knowledge system has already been created at the Moscow State University School of Public Administration – Bricsology. The study of this discipline in the context of changing historical epochs and the creation of a multipolar world is a prerequisite for the training of highly qualified specialists.Keywords: BRICS, Bricsology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, School of Public Administration, Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems, Interfaculty Coordinating Council of Lomonosov Moscow State University for the Study of BRICS Problems, Center for the Study of Soft Power and Color Revolutions, the International BRICS Model.
From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation: the Evolution of the National System of “Soft Power” and Public DiplomacyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 2. p.102-117read more1069
The article examines the evolution of the domestic system of soft power and public diplomacy. The activity of the institutions created in the years of existence of the USSR and the structures that appeared in the new Russia is considered. It is argued that the Soviet Union had a developed system of external cultural relations. After the actual inaction associated with the collapse of the country and the difficult socio-economic situation, the issue of soft power came to the attention of the authorities only in the second half of the 2000s. The institutional structure of the soft power of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation and its development prospects are analyzed.
Keywords: Russia, USSR, soft power, public diplomacy
Foreign historiography of “color revolutions”: the country aspectLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 3. p.87-101read more674
The article analyzes the current state of foreign historiography of the color revolutions that took place in 2000–2014 in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. The main concepts and approaches of leading American and European specialists are considered, problematic positions in the study of the phenomenon of color revolutions and ways to solve them are indicated. The main emphasis is placed on the study of the historiography of the color revolutions in each of the countries in which regime change during this periodtook place. The author comes to the conclusion that there are still many scientific gaps in the framework of the foreign discourse on color revolutions. This is especially true of the problem of country studies, since many issues related to the regime changein Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan still remain unsolved.
Keywords: historiography, Scientific discourse, Color revolution, Nonviolent struggle, Soft power, Rose revolution, Orange revolution, Tulip revolution, Euromaidan
The position of the Barack Obama administration during the January 25 revolution in EgyptLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.77-95read more703
A little over ten years ago a wave of popular protests, called Arab Spring, has convulsed the Greater Middle East, overthrowing long-ruling leaders and deeply transforming the region’s politics. The article considers internal and external factors of the beginning of the Arab spring, the U.S. reflection on the explosion of popular discontent in the region. Based on official documents of the White House and the State Department, as well as publications of leading American media, the article analyzes the development of U.S. policy towards the January 25 Revolution in Egypt. According to the author, immediately after the start of mass anti-government protests in Egypt, President Obama and his entourage were faced with a difficult dilemma: either to support one of the key allies in the region, or to support the Pro-democratic actions of the Egyptian youth, who demanded the resignation of the “Last Pharaoh”. It is argued that the reaction of official Washington to the internal crisis in Egypt can be traced to several phases. The author concludes that the position of the Obama administration taken in the Egyptian crisis of January-February 2011 should be considered erroneous for a number of reasons.Keywords: Egypt; USA; Greater Middle East; Color revolutions; Soft power; Arab spring; January 25 Revolution; Democratization
The evolution of the soft power concept by J. Nye from its formation to the present dayLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.3-23read more936
The article analyzes the evolution of the soft power concept that was developed at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries by the American political scientist J. S. Nye Jr. The authors consider the transformation of the soft power concept in accordance with global shifts in the system of international relations, changes in the balance of forces between the main actors and the rapid development of digital technologies. The analysis of soft power and smart power concept as well as their relationship with various manifestations of hard power is provided. Furthermore, possibilities of using hard power instruments in order to generate an effect comparable to the one of soft power are regarded. The authors separately consider the concept of legitimacy in the successful application of soft power technologies as well as the possibilities of manipulative application of strategies aimed at forming attractive images through propaganda. The authors place special emphasis on the fact that the policy of D. Trump forced by J. Nye to adjust his concept of the main soft power resources and to strengthen the role of the public as the main carrier of norms and values attractive to other countries in times of crisis. At the same time, the main practical purpose of the concept of J. Nye is still to preserve the role of the global hegemon for the United States of America.
Keywords: Joseph Nye; soft power; hard power; smart power; legitimacy; propaganda; world politics; US foreign policy; globalization; digital technologies; Donald Trump
The role of soft power actors in the rose revolution in GeorgiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 1. p.58-76read more722
The article is devoted to the study of the role of soft power actors in
the preparation and implementation of the Rose revolution in Georgia. The
relevance of the study lies in the need to analyze the destructive activities
of these structures during the color revolutions in order to prevent such
negative scenarios in the Russian Federation and friendly states. The paper
analyzes the activities of two soft power actors who made a decisive contribution to the overthrow of the Shevardnadze regime — the “Rustavi-2” TV
company and the “Kmara” youth organization. Such issues as the history of
the creation of “Rustavi-2” and “Kmara”, the specifics of their tactics and
strategies in the preparation of the Rose revolution, direct participation in
the coup détat in November 2003 are considered. The authors conclude
that “Rustavi-2” and “Kmara” played a key role in mobilizing the protest
electorate, and also managed to introduce into the public consciousness of
Georgian citizens the thesis of falsification of the results of parliamentary
elections, which eventually became the trigger for the beginning of the active
phase of the Rose revolution, which ended with the victory of the political
opposition led by M. Saakashvili.Keywords: Color revolutions; Soft power; Rose revolution; Georgia; “Kmara”; “Rustavi-2”; Shevardnadze; Saakashvili; Soros; “Otpor”
Russian policy towards the “rose revolution” in GeorgiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 2. p.85-103read more882
The article is devoted to the study of Russia’s policy towards the Rose revolution, which took place in November 2003 in Georgia. It became the first color revolution in the post-Soviet space, during which a complex of technologies for changing political regimes, tested in Serbia three years earlier, again demonstrated its eff ectiveness. Despite the fact that many aspects of this color revolution have received decent coverage in the scientifi c literature to date, the position and policy of the Russian state in relation to this coup d’etat still remain virtually unexplored. The article provides an overview of Russian-Georgian relations in the post-Soviet period, analyzes the reaction of the Russian authorities to the parliamentary elections held on November 2, 2003 in Georgia, evaluates and systematizes the statements and concrete steps of Russian politicians and diplomats during the implementation of the Rose revolution. The authors used documents from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, many of which are being introduced into scientifi c circulation for the fi rst time, electronic resources of Russian state authorities, materials from leading Russian and foreign media. It is concluded that in order to preserve political stability in Georgia, Moscow took a neutral position and even contributed to the settlement of the internal crisis in the country, but as a result of the color revolution anti-Russian forces came to power in Tbilisi, whose policy subsequently led to a signifi cant deterioration of Russian-Georgian relations and to an aggravation of the situation in the South Caucasus region as a whole.
Keywords: Color revolutions; Rose revolution; Georgia; post-Soviet space; Russian-Georgian relations; Shevardnadze; Saakashvili; Burjanadze; Abashidze
Philosophical and ethical teachings as a resource of “Soft Power” of African CountriesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.48-60read more415
The article analyzes the potential of the soft power of the countries
of sub-Saharan Africa, which is increasingly acquiring the features of a
separate civilization. Th is macro-region today causes mainly negative associations
associated with diseases, poverty, crime, wars, terrorism, but it also generates
positive images. Sub-Saharan African States are beginning to use soft
power technologies and tools in their foreign policy activities, while having
very signifi cant resources in this area. One of these resources are philosophical
and ethical teachings, which for the fi rst time in Russian historiography are being
studied in this article. Th e author concludes that Ubuntu in South Africa,
Omoluwabi in Nigeria and Harambi in Kenya are potentially very eff ective tools
of soft power, with which Pretoria, Abuja and Nairobi can achieve signifi cant
success in international aff airs.Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa; African Renaissance; soft power; South Africa; Nigeria; Kenya; philosophical and ethical teachings; Ubuntu; Omoluvabi; Harambi