Petrunin Yuri Yurievich
Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Petrunin received a DSc degree in Philosophy in 1998. He has been working at the Faculty since 1990, as a professor — since 2000.
Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:
- A member of Dissertation Councils MGU.22.02 (22.00.08 — Sociology of Management) and MGU.08.03 (08.00.05 — Economics and Management of national economy).
- A member of the RAS Scientific Council on AI Methodology and cognitive researches.
- A member of School of Public Administration Academic Senate.
- A member of the Russian Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Association.
- A member of European Business Ethics Network.
- A member of the editorial board of Neyrokomp’yutery: razrabotka, primeneniye (Neurocomputers: development and application).
- A member of the editorial board of Digital Technology Security.
Dr. Petrunin’s researches focus on econometrics, sociology of management, ethics of public administration, ethics of business and corporative social responsibility, AI and neurocomputing.
The list of monographs includes: «Filosofiya iskusstvennogo intellekta v kontseptsiyakh neyronauk» (2010) (“Philosophy of AI in neuroscience concepts”), «Neyrokomp’yuternaya paradigma i obshchestvo» (2012) (“Neurocomputer paradigm and society”), «Liderstvo, delovaya etika i antikrizisnoye upravleniye» (2013) (“Leadership, business ethics and anticrisis management”), «Reformy upravleniya futbolom v fokuse ekonometriki i iskusstvennogo intellekta» (2021) (“Reforms of football management in the focus of econometrics and AI”).
The best book of 2019 — nomination «Textbook of XXI century» for a series of textbooks on social studies for schools.
Evaluation of the soviet football management reform of 1959Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 4. p.3-30read more767
The article analyzes the reasons and results of the management reform of Soviet football in 1959. Attention is focused on specific organizational measures for reforming the national championship. The use of econometric models based on the experience of Soviet football in 1960–1990 showed that the innovations were mostly positive and became one of the reasons for the success of the USSR national team in the first half of the 1960s, as well as a rollback from the principles of reform — the failures of the Soviet team in the 1970s. The use of artificial intelligence methods confirmed the conclusions of econometric analysis, and made it possible to reliably assess the international results of Soviet football in the second half of the 1950s, leading to the need for reform.
Keywords: history of Soviet football; Khrushchev’s era; Soviet football governance reform in 1959; interdisciplinary approach; econometrics; arti cial intelligence
National Education in the Era of the Global Digital RevolutionLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 4. p.3-22read more624
The subject of the study in this article is education as a dynamic system, an institution for promoting socialization, functioning in a specific sociocultural context. The purpose of the study is to determine the key elements of an educational system adequate to the needs of the contemporary society. The authors employ a trans-disciplinary methodology based on the principles of consistency, evolutionism, historicism, dialectics and general scientific methodology. The study is based on the idea of education as a technology of public consciousness programming, a process of cultural production according to the demands of a specific society.
The educational system creates and appraises various techniques for shaping a certain image of the world and a person within it, a person within society, elaborates the principles of individual identity. Educational reforms are driven by historic challenges, political and economic transformations impossible without a shift in public consciousness. School becomes a sort of laboratory for social experimentation, testing the importance of innovations for society, the possibility of answering the new challenges and the potential risks. Based on the analysis of education in the Enlightenment project of industrial society the authors identify the foundations for a modern education model and the factors that determine the necessity of a transformation in higher and secondary school systems and in pedagogical practices.
Keywords: education, university, educational environment, social selection, scientific community, education policy, national education system, Enlightenment project, rationality, creativity
Critical Understanding of Conceptual Approaches to Business Model AnalysisLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 1. p.3-21read more671
The article reveals the reasons for the increasing interest of researchers in business models. The article notes a certain coincidence in the approaches to the analysis of business models. The article shows that business model-transforming innovations are a more important source of competitive advantage in comparison with product innovations. The article summarizes the most used approaches to the analysis of business models and reveals their General drawback. The authors of the article identified two groups of criteria that must be taken into account for the correct identification of strategic business units and development of their own strategy for each of them. The paper proves that the starting point in the formation of a business model is the choice of a competitive strategy and reveals the relationship between the business strategy and the business model. The article reveals various approaches to the development of competitive strategies, a significant part of which is undervalued in the science and practice of business. The authors focus on the importance of taking into account critical (key) success factors when forming a business model.
Keywords: business model, competitive strategy (business strategy), strategic business unit (SBE), competitive advantage, basic competition strategies, critical (key) success factors
Office romance in the perception of future managersLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 3. p.3-22read more732
The article examines the perception of an office romance by students studying in the specialty “public administration”, based on a sociological survey 2018–2019. The data obtained are analyzed in Statistica and WIZWHY programs using nonparametric statistics and artificial intelligence methods. The study found statistically significant influences of gender, work experience, and possible power status of the respondent on the perception of an office romance. For female respondents, the perception of an office romance is dominated by cautiously conservative organizational-centrist feelings and assessments. The respondent’s affiliation with employees (not managers), as well as the presence of work experience, is accompanied by a tendency towards a liberal, “personcentered” perception of an office romance, its moral justification. A woman’s leadership role increases awareness of the importance of gender differences at work / service. Th ere is also a slight difference between the sexes in respondents’ perception of female discrimination at work.
Keywords: Office romance, Workplace roman, public service ethics, government ethics, business ethics, students, school of public administration, Lomonosov Moscow State Universitas, gender, factors of perception of professional problems, data analysis, data mining, artificial intelligence, if-then rules, Statistica, WIZWHY, CART
The Right to the City: Russian Practices of Working with Local CommunitiesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 4. p.49-68read more630
The article is devoted to the interpretation of conceptual approaches (market and resource) to the formation of competitive advantages of companies. The key features of the classic business environment and the prerequisites on which the market and resource approaches are based are formulated. The differences were revealed between two opposite approaches to competition (according to Porter) — “to be the best” or “to be unique”. The limitedness of the “being the best” approach is shown, and it is proved that strategy is responsible for the uniqueness (of a product or method), and uniqueness is achieved through innovation. Attention is drawn to the fact that companies make strategic choices simultaneously in the space of results and in the space of risks, so this can lead to both success and failure (this is the essence of the strategic paradox). And the conclusion was made that the more extreme (extreme) strategies the company adheres to, the greater the strategic risk it takes upon itself, and this can lead to both obtaining large profits and ending in bankruptcy. Michael Raynor’s rationale is given that companies seeking to avoid risk (implementing hybrid strategies) make a choice in favor of lower profits (in favor of mediocrity), but this statement in some cases does not find confirmation in reality. It has been proven in practice that if a company manages to quickly move from one wave of competitive advantage to another, then it can maintain a sustainable competitive advantage for a long time; an algorithm for such a transition is presented.
Keywords: competitive advantage, traditional markets, market approach, resource approach, strategic choice, strategic paradox, hybrid strategies
Is a general management theory possible? Reflecting on the book by V.I. Marshev "The History of managerial thought. Genesis and development from ancient origins to the present day"Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.24-35read more656
The article is devoted to the concept of history of management thought of professor V.I. Marshev. The article analyzes in detail Marshev's book "History of Management Thought. Genesis and Development from Ancient Origins to the Present Day». The article highlights the philosophical, methodological, epistemological and genre features of this book. The article analyzes in detail the problem of demarcation of the history of managerial thought. The article reveals the relationship of various management disciplines: management, public administration, cybernetics, operations research, etc. The article proposes and substantiates a network model of general management science.
Keywords: history of management thought; Vadim I. Marshev; the problem of demarcation; management sciences; general management
Development of The concept of social artifi cial intelligenceLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 1. p.93-112read more753
Research in the field of artifi cial intelligence (AI) has revealed a number
of conceptual shortcomings and risks of the developed cognitive models and
AI algorithms when applied in various fields of activity. This, in particular, is
the opacity, non-verifi ability of the logic of reasoning and conclusions of AI,
not friendliness towards a person, and, as a result, distrust of a person in the
results of AI work. Distrust between artifi cial and natural intelligence leads
to a decrease in the eff ectiveness of both AI and its interaction with human
intelligence. As a way to overcome this crisis of misunderstanding, the concept
of artifi cial social intelligence (ASI) was proposed, which includes not only
cognitive aspects of intelligence, but also social (together with emotional ones).
The article sums up the results of thirty years of development of the concept
of ASI, highlights the current problems of modeling and studying ASI.Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); artificial social intelligence (ASI); artificial general intelligence (AGI); social computing; internet of things (IoT); epistemological-anthropic chauvinism
A mutually complementary team of top managers as the most significant and valuable asset of the companyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 3. p.3-19read more409
The actualization topic of mutually complementary teams is being caused by the complexity of the business environment, which requires transformation from the sole management to the common leadership, that is able to ensure the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of the company’s activities in both
the short- and long-term period. The main drawbacks of management training programs are identified, which do not allow graduates to form an idea of the company as a complex system. The conceptual diff erences that should be followed when teaching management are presented: a) owners and top managers; b) functional specialists. The main functions of management, which are mutually
complementary, but between which there is a confl ict in the short-term period, are highlighted and researched in details. It was shown that the highquality managers training involves the compilation of a management style code in order to identify their fortes and precedence. The interpretation of two kinds
and three directions of people integration (according to I. Adizes) into a cohesive
team is being given. The conclusion had been done due to the increasing speed and interdependence of changes, companies are facing complex of problems, in the solution of which people with knowledge from various fields have to take part simultaneously, which is only possible, if the organization manages to create a mutually complementary team of top managers.Keywords: mutually complementary team; management functions; kinds of managers; management styles; management style code; types and directions of people integration
Integration of mathematical methods and digital technologies as the basis for the creation of a set of fundamental courses in the training of modern management personnelLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.139-167read more337
The digital transformation of public administration requires a significant change in the training of students in the fi eld of state and municipal administration (SMA), who possess a wide range of digital competencies. The foundation for the formation of digital competencies is the basic and special
disciplines of mathematics and computer science. The purpose of this article is to determine the optimal trajectory of students’ education to obtain the necessary competencies. For this purpose, the article consistently examines and solves the problems of the essence of digital competencies (1), the specifi c
features of teaching mathematics and computer science to students in the area of SMA (2), the interaction of these courses with other courses in the area of SMA (3), the content, scope and sequence of these courses (4). Conclusions and suggestions are based on generalization rich experience of Lomonosov Moscow State University, one of the fi rst Russian universities that opened
SMA education, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, as well as regulatory documents governing the digital transformation of public administration.Keywords: public and municipal administration; educational programs; mathematics for humanities; mathematical methods for managers; computer science for managers; artifi cial intelligence; big data; digital transformation of public administration