ISSN 2073-2643
En Ru
ISSN 2073-2643
Petrunin Yuri Yurievich

Petrunin Yuri Yurievich

Петрунин Ю.Ю.
Yuri Yu. Petrunin
Doctor of Philosophy
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4218-2255
Scopus ID: 57196039026
ResearcherID: AAJ-8579-2020

Dr. Petrunin received a DSc degree in Philosophy in 1998. He has been working at the Faculty since 1990, as a professor — since 2000.

Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:

  • A member of Dissertation Councils MGU.22.02 (22.00.08 — Sociology of Management) and MGU.08.03 (08.00.05 — Economics and Management of national economy).
  • A member of the RAS Scientific Council on AI Methodology and cognitive researches.
  • A member of School of Public Administration Academic Senate.
  • A member of the Russian Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Association.
  • A member of European Business Ethics Network.
  • A member of the editorial board of Neyrokomp’yutery: razrabotka, primeneniye (Neurocomputers: development and application).
  • A member of the editorial board of Digital Technology Security.

Dr. Petrunin’s researches focus on econometrics, sociology of management, ethics of public administration, ethics of business and corporative social responsibility, AI and neurocomputing.

The list of monographs includes: «Filosofiya iskusstvennogo intellekta v kontseptsiyakh neyronauk» (2010) (“Philosophy of AI in neuroscience concepts”), «Neyrokomp’yuternaya paradigma i obshchestvo» (2012) (“Neurocomputer paradigm and society”), «Liderstvo, delovaya etika i antikrizisnoye upravleniye» (2013) (“Leadership, business ethics and anticrisis management”), «Reformy upravleniya futbolom v fokuse ekonometriki i iskusstvennogo intellekta» (2021) (“Reforms of football management in the focus of econometrics and AI”).

The best book of 2019 — nomination «Textbook of XXI century» for a series of textbooks on social studies for schools.

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