Lenkov Ilia Nikolaevich
Theories and Practices of Public Administration in Modern Conditions (the Results of the Work of the Sections of the Annual Scientific Conference “Lomonosov Readings” in 2021)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 2. p.67-102read more814
The publication provides an overview of the section “Theories and Practices of Public Administration” of the annual scientific conference “Lomonosov Readings” held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University School of Public Administration. There is a list of the main reports with short theses and the main results of the work of subsections organized by the departments of the School of Public Administration. The conference was cross-disciplinary, the questions touched upon many urgent problems in public and municipal administration. An important trend in the development of the economy and other spheres of life is a pandemic, an increase in the cost of resources, restrictions imposed by foreign partners, and acceleration in the pace of digitalization. Trends determine the search for alternative opportunities for the effective development of our country. Within the framework of the section “Theories and practice of public administration” of the conference “Lomonosov Readings”, various points of view on the prospects for the development of public administration in Russia and abroad were presented. In the context of modern internal and external challenges, specific proposals were formed to improve the economic, political and legal aspects of management based on the results of the discussions. Presented recommendations of new opportunities of management relations associated with the rapid development of science and technology.
Keywords: public administration, global politics, economics, digitalization, artificial intelligence, pandemic, crisis, regional governance, public authority
Public Administration: Modern Challenges (Results of the XVIII International Conference)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.180-232read more866
The publication provides an overview of the XVIII International Scientific Conference "Public Administration: Modern Challenges", annually held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University School of Public Administration. Reports of the conference participants, the results of the plenary session, sections and round tables are presented. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the most important and urgent problems of management from the point of view of the main trends in the development of the economy, law, public policy, ideology, civil society, the social sphere, international relations and human interaction with the environment; exchange of scientific and practical experience; development of recommendations for improving the theoretical foundations of the phenomena under consideration. The conference was held in a mixed format in Russian and English. Russian and foreign scientists, experts, public authorities and the public formed specific proposals for improving the economic, political, sociological, historical, philosophical and legal aspects of public administration in the context of globalization, digitalization of various areas of state and public activity, and development of science and new technologies.Keywords: public administration; global politics; economy; digitalization; pandemic; modern challenges; artificial intelligence; new technologies; regional and municipal government; public authorities
Carbon neutrality: prospects for development and impact on the global economyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 3. p.101-121read more1185
Carbon neutrality is one of the key messages of the concept of sustainable development and the ESG agenda, which form the basis of a new institutional economic environment. Countries’ rethinking of decarbonisation and carbon neutrality at the global level af ects international climate and green standards/ legislation, international trade, and international institutions. However, the question remains how the carbon-neutral agenda will evolve during economic crises. T e paper therefore aims to assess the positive and negative ef ects of the carbon-neutral agenda in the global economy and in individual countries, as well as its prospects for further development. In order to realise the objective of this article, the positive and negative aspects of the transition to carbon neutrality, the actions of states to implement environmental strategies until 2022 were analysed, and an attempt was made to forecast the further development of ESG strategies in the f eld of decarbonisation and carbon neutrality. It was found that the positive side of carbon neutrality reduces to investment attractiveness of the company and its products, addressing environmental concerns, technological development and the emergence of new markets. T e downside is that the transition to carbon neutrality is more political than environmental. T e ESG agenda will also increase transaction and administrative costs for all market participants. As for the prospects for the implementation of the ESG agenda in 2022, f rstly, it can be assumed that the process will slow down. Due to sanctions, national security, including in the energy sector, comes f rst. At the same time, at the same time as the ESG agenda slows down, it becomes more relevant as alternative energy sources will help countries achieve energy security, while addressing environmental issues will only help intensify investments in this area. Moreover, the relevance of the ESG agenda has not changed: there remains a demand for it from people in developed countries.
Keywords: ESG agenda; carbon neutrality; sustainable development; green economy; non-financial reporting; global economy; environment
From the concept of sustainable development to ESG and BCG concepts in public administration: a critical analysis of the conceptual and terminological fieldLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 2. p.46-67read more842
The article presents the genesis of the concept of sustainable development, discusses its structure, diff erences and similarities between diff erent approaches to its creation, issues of responsible investment, analysis of reporting and accounting for ESG risks. Th e authors examine the global shift in the ESG agenda from the standpoint of the specifi cs of public administration and the global turn towards the integration of biological, cyclical and green principles into the economy in diff erent countries (BCG). The results of a comparative analysis of the basic principles of various approaches in creating the concept of sustainable development are proposed to be used to develop strategies for sustainable development
in various sectors of the economy, which is an important step towards a more responsible and sustainable development of society.Keywords: sustainable development; ESG concept; BCG concept; sustainable development goals; SDG implementation; ESG risks; non-financial reporting; corporate social responsibility; socially responsible investment; circular economy; social impact investment; BCG economy