Oborin, Maksim Sergeevich

Doctor of Economics
Perm State University, Russia
Perm State Agro-Technological University, Russia
Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia
Formation of Investment Strategies of Regional Industrial ComplexesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 1. p.25-42read more676
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation of investment strategies of regional industrial complexes taking into account the impact on production processes. The analysis of the factors influencing the dynamics of investment activity in the Federal districts of the country and regions is carried out. Special attention is paid to the measures of state support reflected in the policy documents aimed at the development of territories, increasing their socio-economic attractiveness, competitiveness and economic independence. The purpose of the article is to identify the main conditions and factors of formation of investment strategies of regional production complexes, to study the potential and prospects for the development of industry under the condition of active regional and Federal support. To achieve these objectives, we studied the growth rates of investment in fixed capital of industrial enterprises, the goals of industrial and investment development in the framework of the target program indicators, presented the distribution of investment per capita by region, as well as a comparative analysis of the actual and planned indicators of investment activity on the example of the far Eastern, southern and Volga Federal districts.
Main methods: dialectical method of cognition of processes in the sphere of economy and social development, method of system analysis, formal logical method. As a result of the study, proposals for improving the state and regional investment policy in the process of formation of investment strategies of regional production complexes are formulated. Conclusions are made about the validity of the measures taken and the preferred tools of support in the process of economic growth of the country.
Keywords: strategic planning, investment strategies, regional economy, regional performance indicators, industrial complex, sustainable development
Directions for Increasing the Efficiency of Using Tourist and Recreational Resources of Small CitiesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 4. p.85-98read more791
Relevance of the topic. The development of tourist and recreational specialization contributes to the sustainable growth of socio-economic indicators of small towns and territories, has a positive impact on employment and rejuvenation of the workforce. Attraction of tourist flows is possible by optimizing the use of resource potential and involvement in popular routes, the formation of infrastructure of new types of tourism: environmental, agricultural. Problem. Tourist and recreational resources of small towns are not used effectively, due to the remoteness of the territories from the main tourist routes and transport and logistics corridors. The purpose of the article: substantiation of the directions of increasing the efficiency of the use of tourist and recreational resources of small towns of Tula and Vladimir regions, Perm region. Methods: system approach, situational analysis, formal logical method, dialectical method of socioeconomic processes research. Results. The importance of the resource base for the development of tourism and recreation is characterized, the positive effect for the development of territories and municipalities is revealed. An important role at the present stage of formation of the prerequisites for sustainable growth of regions acquire applied research areas of natural resource, cultural, historical and infrastructure potential. The analysis of tourist and recreational resources of small towns of Tula and Vladimir regions, Perm region is presented. Economic indicators of development of the sphere of tourism of the chosen subjects of the Russian Federation are analyzed. The main problems of the use of tourist and recreational resources of small towns are identified and a set of measures to solve them is proposed. Main conclusions. The main problems of the use of tourist and recreational resources of small towns are identified and a set of measures to solve them is proposed.
Keywords: tourist and recreational resources, recreational specialization, tourist flow, small towns, indicators of tourist activity
Network Interaction as a Tool for Effective Management of Economic Stability of the Regional Market of Historical and Cultural TourismLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 1. p.57-74read more668
The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of integrated interaction in the regional markets of tourist and recreational services, the stabilization impact on the economy of the region of the cluster and network approach to the organization of historical and cultural tourism. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify network models of functioning of the sphere of historical and cultural tourism, which have a positive impact on the socioeconomic indicators of the territories. One of the goals and objectives of the regional strategic management is the design of optimal conditions for clusters and networks of tourism business, as it will stabilize the demand and increase the stability of service markets, in particular historical and cultural tourism, which is a relatively new direction.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the indicators of historical and cultural tourism of the region and identify trends in the formation of network interaction as a stabilizing factor of market development. Achievement of the goal is associated with such tasks as analysis of scientific and theoretical works in the field of network and cluster development of tourism; definition and classification of the main types of clusters and network models, taking into account their impact on the position of enterprises in the industry and the effects for the territories. Methods: system and situational approaches, modeling of socio-economic processes, analysis of statistics.
Results. The studied indicators of the development of historical and cultural tourism in Perm region, identified problems and limitations and also benefits of the implemented cluster and network approaches to management of development of the industry.
Main conclusions. Historical and cultural tourism is developing effectively in the conditions of integrated cluster and network interaction. On the territory of Perm region operates a cluster of historical and cultural orientation, for the effective implementation of the programme approach in the management at the regional level it is necessary to monitor the achievement of indicators and indicators that the organization of tourist activities on the regional market is a stabilizing factor.
Keywords: historical and cultural tourism, network interaction, cluster, network, effect, model