Purlik Vyacheslav Michailovich
Critical Understanding of Conceptual Approaches to Business Model AnalysisLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 1. p.3-21read more764
The article reveals the reasons for the increasing interest of researchers in business models. The article notes a certain coincidence in the approaches to the analysis of business models. The article shows that business model-transforming innovations are a more important source of competitive advantage in comparison with product innovations. The article summarizes the most used approaches to the analysis of business models and reveals their General drawback. The authors of the article identified two groups of criteria that must be taken into account for the correct identification of strategic business units and development of their own strategy for each of them. The paper proves that the starting point in the formation of a business model is the choice of a competitive strategy and reveals the relationship between the business strategy and the business model. The article reveals various approaches to the development of competitive strategies, a significant part of which is undervalued in the science and practice of business. The authors focus on the importance of taking into account critical (key) success factors when forming a business model.
Keywords: business model, competitive strategy (business strategy), strategic business unit (SBE), competitive advantage, basic competition strategies, critical (key) success factors
The Right to the City: Russian Practices of Working with Local CommunitiesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 4. p.49-68read more721
The article is devoted to the interpretation of conceptual approaches (market and resource) to the formation of competitive advantages of companies. The key features of the classic business environment and the prerequisites on which the market and resource approaches are based are formulated. The differences were revealed between two opposite approaches to competition (according to Porter) — “to be the best” or “to be unique”. The limitedness of the “being the best” approach is shown, and it is proved that strategy is responsible for the uniqueness (of a product or method), and uniqueness is achieved through innovation. Attention is drawn to the fact that companies make strategic choices simultaneously in the space of results and in the space of risks, so this can lead to both success and failure (this is the essence of the strategic paradox). And the conclusion was made that the more extreme (extreme) strategies the company adheres to, the greater the strategic risk it takes upon itself, and this can lead to both obtaining large profits and ending in bankruptcy. Michael Raynor’s rationale is given that companies seeking to avoid risk (implementing hybrid strategies) make a choice in favor of lower profits (in favor of mediocrity), but this statement in some cases does not find confirmation in reality. It has been proven in practice that if a company manages to quickly move from one wave of competitive advantage to another, then it can maintain a sustainable competitive advantage for a long time; an algorithm for such a transition is presented.
Keywords: competitive advantage, traditional markets, market approach, resource approach, strategic choice, strategic paradox, hybrid strategies
Design thinking as an approach to the developing of innovative solutions focused on peopleLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.3-22read more821
The article is devoted to the study of design thinking as a new approach used by modern companies to solve problems of various levels of complexity (and their comprehension), and the implementation of favorable opportunities. It presents a retrospective view on the development of design thinking, identifies priority sectors of its application, and reviews the definitions of the concept by leading researchers. It is shown that designers in the modern economy are beginning to play an increasingly important strategic role. This is due to the fact that the twenty-first century is becoming a century of constant innovation, and innovation for companies is becoming a survival strategy. The article provides a comparative description of two approaches (methods) to managerial decision-making (business thinking and design thinking) and discloses an algorithm for applying each of them on a specific example. The stages of the design thinking process (empathy, analysis, and synthesis, generation of ideas, prototyping, testing, storytelling) are singled out and a brief description of each of them is given. Particular attention is paid to the justification of the need to form a cross-functional team to achieve results, shows its participation in the implementation of a specific project, and formulates questions to improve the effectiveness of teamwork in business. The author analyzes the experience of applying design thinking in a particular company, which allowed it to take a leading position in its segment of the global market. It is concluded that design thinking helps company managers to rethink the essence of business, better understand the needs of their customers, identify the most profitable niches and implement appropriate innovative projects.
Keywords: design thinking; “Double diamond” model; business thinking; stages of design thinking; design thinking team
A mutually complementary team of top managers as the most significant and valuable asset of the companyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 3. p.3-19read more516
The actualization topic of mutually complementary teams is being caused by the complexity of the business environment, which requires transformation from the sole management to the common leadership, that is able to ensure the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of the company’s activities in both
the short- and long-term period. The main drawbacks of management training programs are identified, which do not allow graduates to form an idea of the company as a complex system. The conceptual diff erences that should be followed when teaching management are presented: a) owners and top managers; b) functional specialists. The main functions of management, which are mutually
complementary, but between which there is a confl ict in the short-term period, are highlighted and researched in details. It was shown that the highquality managers training involves the compilation of a management style code in order to identify their fortes and precedence. The interpretation of two kinds
and three directions of people integration (according to I. Adizes) into a cohesive
team is being given. The conclusion had been done due to the increasing speed and interdependence of changes, companies are facing complex of problems, in the solution of which people with knowledge from various fields have to take part simultaneously, which is only possible, if the organization manages to create a mutually complementary team of top managers.Keywords: mutually complementary team; management functions; kinds of managers; management styles; management style code; types and directions of people integration