Sukhareva Maria Alekseevna
- Awarded within Development Programme of MSU.
- 1st place at Third International Student Conference “Current problems and their solutions”.
In 2015 graduated from School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University specializing in public administration.
In 2018 completed a postgraduate course “Economics and national economy management” at School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
In 2020 received a PhD degree. Works at Science Department (School of Public Administration).
Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:
- Executive Secretary of Public Administration. E-journal (Russia).
Theoretical and methodological foundations of continuing educationLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 2. p.16-27read more802
The term “continuing education” does not have a universal definition: there are several dozen of its definitions in Russian and foreign literature in which the nature of continuing education comes down to its determination either as an educational system or as a process. In addition, several approaches can be given to the definition of the continuous education essence; each approach takes one or another facet of the essence of continuing education, around which the corresponding theories are built, into the center of analysis. The author also correlated with the term “continuous education” such concepts as “continuous education”, “lifelong learning”, “adult education”, “continuing professional education”, and “additional education”.
Keywords: continuing education, lifelong learning, adult education, continuing professional education, further education
Place of Continuing Education in the Service IndustryLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 1. p.75-90read more602
First of all, the increase of the services sector share in GDP and employed share in this sector force to determinate the concept of service and to identify its essential characteristics. In addition, there is a period of accumulation of human capital in the modern economy now. As a result, the concept of service should be completed by educational component.
The purpose of the article is to determine the place and the essence of lifelong education in the service system. As a result of this research, educational services are the actions to provide an education to individuals, enterprises and organizations by transferring knowledge, skills and by educating individuals and population.
Keywords: service system, educational services, continuing education, human capital, public good, mixed good, economic good
General principles for assessing the main indicators of human capital development by technological paradigmsLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 3. p.38-62read more673
In the modern economy, human capital is the main strategic resource for development, which has a direct impact on economic growth and social welfare. In the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period Up to 2030, human capital is given priority, and therefore there is a need to develop and supplement existing methods of its assessment and management. The need to develop new methods is also connected with the transition of the economy to the new technological and world economic paradigms and the corresponding change in the structure and value of human capital.
Presented article is the development of a study on the measurement of human capital in terms of structural changes in the economy; its aim is to develop a model of human capital formation, assessment and management through inclusion in strategic plans of socio-economic development in the transition to an integrated world economy and the sixth technological paradigm.
The tasks of the study are to consider the problems and prospects for the Russian human capital development at the stage of the new technological and world economic paradigms formation; to create a matrix of parameters for assessing human capital; to form a socio-economic model for the formation and assessment of national human capital.
The subject of the research is economic relations arising in the process of formation and use of human capital at the present stage of economic development. The main results of the research are the development of a conceptual model for multi-level and multi-component assessment of national human capital. The scope of the results obtained is determined by the possibility of including key parameters of human capital in strategic plans for socio-economic development and improving the competitiveness of the national economy.
Keywords: human capital, technological paradigms, world economic paradigms, development resource, intellectual rent, structural changes, change management
Assessment of the state of human capital at the stage of the sixth technological order: the race for the regional leaderLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.41-63read more820
The main strategic resource of the current development is human capital which accumulates all the intellectual, physiological labor and social potential of people, the possibility of using it to ensure a sustainable trend in the economic system development in conditions of constant turbulence, increasing uncertainty, and increasing technological progress.
The goal of the study is to assess the state of human capital at the regional level, to identify trends and factors of its formation with subsequent implementation in the regional development strategy at the stage of transition to the sixth technological order. To achieve the goal of the study, a number of tasks are formulated in the work: to determine the trends in the use of human capital as a factor in the innovative development of the economy, to assess the structural elements that form the basis of human capital, to determine the reflection of the processes of human capital formation in strategic and innovative plans for the development of territories.
The subject of the study is the economic relations arising in the process of formation and use of human capital in the development of regional economic systems at the stage of formation of the sixth technological order.
The main results of the study are to assess the state of human capital formed and used at the regional level in the context of its main components, to determine the main reasons for the high differentiation of the level of its formation in the conditions of the multistructural nature of the Russian economy. The scope of the results obtained is determined by the possibilities of forming strategic programs for regional development, taking into account human potential and the need to equalize the socio-economic situation of the territories.
Keywords: human capital; technological structures; innovative development; regional development strategies; development resource; strategic resource; multi-structural economy
Carbon neutrality: prospects for development and impact on the global economyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 3. p.101-121read more1184
Carbon neutrality is one of the key messages of the concept of sustainable development and the ESG agenda, which form the basis of a new institutional economic environment. Countries’ rethinking of decarbonisation and carbon neutrality at the global level af ects international climate and green standards/ legislation, international trade, and international institutions. However, the question remains how the carbon-neutral agenda will evolve during economic crises. T e paper therefore aims to assess the positive and negative ef ects of the carbon-neutral agenda in the global economy and in individual countries, as well as its prospects for further development. In order to realise the objective of this article, the positive and negative aspects of the transition to carbon neutrality, the actions of states to implement environmental strategies until 2022 were analysed, and an attempt was made to forecast the further development of ESG strategies in the f eld of decarbonisation and carbon neutrality. It was found that the positive side of carbon neutrality reduces to investment attractiveness of the company and its products, addressing environmental concerns, technological development and the emergence of new markets. T e downside is that the transition to carbon neutrality is more political than environmental. T e ESG agenda will also increase transaction and administrative costs for all market participants. As for the prospects for the implementation of the ESG agenda in 2022, f rstly, it can be assumed that the process will slow down. Due to sanctions, national security, including in the energy sector, comes f rst. At the same time, at the same time as the ESG agenda slows down, it becomes more relevant as alternative energy sources will help countries achieve energy security, while addressing environmental issues will only help intensify investments in this area. Moreover, the relevance of the ESG agenda has not changed: there remains a demand for it from people in developed countries.
Keywords: ESG agenda; carbon neutrality; sustainable development; green economy; non-financial reporting; global economy; environment
From the concept of sustainable development to ESG and BCG concepts in public administration: a critical analysis of the conceptual and terminological fieldLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 2. p.46-67read more842
The article presents the genesis of the concept of sustainable development, discusses its structure, diff erences and similarities between diff erent approaches to its creation, issues of responsible investment, analysis of reporting and accounting for ESG risks. Th e authors examine the global shift in the ESG agenda from the standpoint of the specifi cs of public administration and the global turn towards the integration of biological, cyclical and green principles into the economy in diff erent countries (BCG). The results of a comparative analysis of the basic principles of various approaches in creating the concept of sustainable development are proposed to be used to develop strategies for sustainable development
in various sectors of the economy, which is an important step towards a more responsible and sustainable development of society.Keywords: sustainable development; ESG concept; BCG concept; sustainable development goals; SDG implementation; ESG risks; non-financial reporting; corporate social responsibility; socially responsible investment; circular economy; social impact investment; BCG economy
EVOLUTION OF THE MODEL OF HUMAN ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 2. p.37-54read more262
The development of information and communication technolo- gies and the rapid digitalization of public life are driving fundamental trans- formations of socio-economic systems into a knowledge society and a digital economy. The speed of change in recent decades leads to the fact that “tradi- tional” economic models are losing their methodological sufficiency for the modern level of science and need to be rethought. As a result, the purpose of the article is to propose an upd ated model of human economic behavior in the context of digital transformation based on an analysis of the evolution of economic behavior models. To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were se t: to analyze models of human economic behavior in economics and the humanities; highlight key aspects of digitalization that significantly influence changes in the socio-economic sphere of public life; characterize changes in human economic behavior generated by the digital transformation of society. As a result of the study, factors determining economic behavior in the digital economy were identified. These include: facilitating access to information as a basic consumption product; the emergence of a new form of property (intel- lectual property) and new objects of property (information products); chang- ing relations between producers and consumers, employers and employees; the formation of a “sharing” economy as an innovative form of trade.
The article shows the significant impact of the digital economy on chang- ing the model of human economic behavior. A model of economic behavior is understood as a system, the elements of which determine the guidelines and choices of a person in the economic sphere. These include: the presence of objective limitations and subjective preferences of the individual, the ability to assess possible behavior options, analysis of information, choice of behavior model. In addition to these constant determinants of economic behavior, the model also contains variable factors influencing economic choice. These in- clude: attitude towards information and the ability to access it, motivation for economic activity, rationality of actions and irrationality in decision making, goal setting as a system-forming function of the individual. Variable elements undergo significant transformations, which must be taken into account in the updated model of the behavior of “economic homo.”
Keywords: model of economic behavior; digital transformation; digital economy; model of economic man; economic theory