EVOLUTION OF THE MODEL OF HUMAN ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 2. p.37-54read more262
The development of information and communication technolo- gies and the rapid digitalization of public life are driving fundamental trans- formations of socio-economic systems into a knowledge society and a digital economy. The speed of change in recent decades leads to the fact that “tradi- tional” economic models are losing their methodological sufficiency for the modern level of science and need to be rethought. As a result, the purpose of the article is to propose an upd ated model of human economic behavior in the context of digital transformation based on an analysis of the evolution of economic behavior models. To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were se t: to analyze models of human economic behavior in economics and the humanities; highlight key aspects of digitalization that significantly influence changes in the socio-economic sphere of public life; characterize changes in human economic behavior generated by the digital transformation of society. As a result of the study, factors determining economic behavior in the digital economy were identified. These include: facilitating access to information as a basic consumption product; the emergence of a new form of property (intel- lectual property) and new objects of property (information products); chang- ing relations between producers and consumers, employers and employees; the formation of a “sharing” economy as an innovative form of trade.
The article shows the significant impact of the digital economy on chang- ing the model of human economic behavior. A model of economic behavior is understood as a system, the elements of which determine the guidelines and choices of a person in the economic sphere. These include: the presence of objective limitations and subjective preferences of the individual, the ability to assess possible behavior options, analysis of information, choice of behavior model. In addition to these constant determinants of economic behavior, the model also contains variable factors influencing economic choice. These in- clude: attitude towards information and the ability to access it, motivation for economic activity, rationality of actions and irrationality in decision making, goal setting as a system-forming function of the individual. Variable elements undergo significant transformations, which must be taken into account in the updated model of the behavior of “economic homo.”
Keywords: model of economic behavior; digital transformation; digital economy; model of economic man; economic theory