Topical aspects of legislative activity of the Russian Federation in the fi eld of strengthening information security in the context of COVID-19Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 1. p.113-136read more726
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the economy and
social relations in many countries. Faced with new challenges and threats
in this period, Russia, like other countries, was forced to pay close attention
to solving information security problems. This article is devoted to the analysis of the main changes in Russian legislation in the field of information
security during the pandemic. The author analyzed a wide range of documents
of a strategic and technical nature on issues such as cryptography and
electronic signatures, personal data, the national payment system, banking
security, etc. According to the author, due to the growing number of threats
in the information sphere, it is necessary to further improve legislation,
improvement, primarily in the field of import substitution in the IT field,
collection and storage of personal and biometric data, remote provision of
services and user identification, etc. From a managerial point of view, in the
conditions of the highest degree of development of the epidemic process,
work was carried out mainly at the managerial and technical levels. The
launch of the Special Military Operation required more decision-making
at the institutional level, using the legislative framework and methods used
in the previous period.Keywords: information security; information sovereignty; national security; import substitution; pandemic; COVID-19; cyber-attacks; information technology; IT; digital sovereignty; cyber threats
“Behind the scenes” of the 2016 us presidential election: the problem of information securityLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 3. p.59-78read more493
The article deals with accusations against Russia of unauthorized interference in the information system of the National Committee of the Democratic Party of the USA. Th e main attention in the article, for the first time in domestic and foreign historiography, is paid to the analysis of technical aspects of documents published by the prosecution. Thanks to the study of this problem, it is possible to reveal in more detail the tools and mechanisms of the information war that the United States is trying to wage against Russia, as well as to understand its logic and main directions. In this regard, the tools and mechanisms, technical capabilities and techniques used by various American political and military structures, which were willingly used by the media as part of the information war, are analyzed. Th e author comes to the conclusion that from the very beginning of the investigation, the American side has been focused on solving two main problems: fi rstly, internal political issues related to the company against D. Trump; and secondly, the geopolitical confrontation with Russia. Such an approach by the United States to solving the problem does
not contribute to the development of the Russian-American dialogue in the field of cybersecurity issues, and also casts doubt on the prospects for cooperation within the framework of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on Achievements in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security.Keywords: US presidential election; Donald Trump; US Democratic National Committee; information security; hackers; cyberattack; information warfare; cybersecurity; CrowdStrike; Fancy Bear; APT28; OverWatch; X-Agent; WikiLeaks
Integration of mathematical methods and digital technologies as the basis for the creation of a set of fundamental courses in the training of modern management personnelLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.139-167read more438
The digital transformation of public administration requires a significant change in the training of students in the fi eld of state and municipal administration (SMA), who possess a wide range of digital competencies. The foundation for the formation of digital competencies is the basic and special
disciplines of mathematics and computer science. The purpose of this article is to determine the optimal trajectory of students’ education to obtain the necessary competencies. For this purpose, the article consistently examines and solves the problems of the essence of digital competencies (1), the specifi c
features of teaching mathematics and computer science to students in the area of SMA (2), the interaction of these courses with other courses in the area of SMA (3), the content, scope and sequence of these courses (4). Conclusions and suggestions are based on generalization rich experience of Lomonosov Moscow State University, one of the fi rst Russian universities that opened
SMA education, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, as well as regulatory documents governing the digital transformation of public administration.Keywords: public and municipal administration; educational programs; mathematics for humanities; mathematical methods for managers; computer science for managers; artifi cial intelligence; big data; digital transformation of public administration