Shkarina V.S.
Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: verashkarina@gmail.com
Creative Economy: World experience and challenges for RussiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 4. p.17-30read more692
In the conditions of modern development of digital technologies and informatization of society, the situation has developed in such a way that creative ideas become competitors of the real sector of the economy, forming commercial and consumer goals. The period of the spread of coronavirus infection and the isolation of the population around the world indicate the active promotion and profitability of creative ideas. In 2018, the UNESCO Global Report noted that many small enterprises, including creative ones, from developing countries face numerous problems in the process of integration into global export markets, unlike those countries that have access to such services (logistics for the delivery of goods abroad, knowledge of regulatory requirements regarding exports of importing countries, etc.), then by 2021 this situation began to change in a positive direction. The relevance of the development of creative industries is growing at a time of increasing economic development, globalization of the world economy and the erasure of national borders. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of creative industries in Russia as one of the directions of the country’s strategic development. To achieve the goal, methods of analysis and comparison of international experience, systematization of statistical data were used. Based on the analysis of literary sources, experience and systematization of statistical data,
trends in the development of creative industries in Russia have been identified. Priority directions for the development of this sphere, which provides competitive advantages of the country in the context of globalization, have been identified. The problems of formation and development of the domestic market of creative industries in the Russian Federation are revealed and the ways of their solution are determined. The direction of further research is to focus on the formation of a holistic, unified system of indicators of creative industries, their comprehensive analysis taking into account foreign experience. This will make it possible to identify creative industries as a strategic vector of economic development and develop effective tools for their effective implementation and use, as well as appropriate regulatory and legal support.Keywords: creative industries; creative economy; small business