Arbatskiy Mikhail Spartakovich
Features of the formation of infrastructure for innovative development of the industry in healthcareLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 3. p.45-62read more597
The challenges posed to Russian healthcare in early 2020, related to the development of a difficult epidemiological situation, were complicated by a series of sanctions. This has created an objective need to support our own development and production of medicines, medical devices and innovative developments. The development and implementation of innovative technologies in healthcare is an ambiguous, complex task, for the implementation of which all the necessary elements must be present in the industry. In this regard, it is useful to analyze the existing barriers, emergency measures of state support for SMEs, as the main link through which the scaling and implementation of innovative technologies into practice is carried out. An important factor is the availability of the possibility of obtaining project financing, information about the sources of financing for already completed projects and understanding the role of technology transfer centers in promoting innovations in health care into practice. The paper uses foreign sources to describe barriers, searches for and systematizes emergency measures of state support for SMEs, lists current grants and competitions from funds that support projects to develop innovations in medicine, and discusses the role of technology transfer centers.
Keywords: Technology transfer; drivers; barriers; measures to support SMEs; innovations in medicine; fund support