Smirnova Vasilina Vladimirovna
Citizen-centricity as a formation factor of the reputational resources quality in public administration system (domestic and foreign experience)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 3. p.3-20read more772
In crisis and increasing resource competition conditions, factors that increase the competitiveness of regions come to the fore. Since the end of 2021, the Russian Federation has been started implementing the principles of citizen-centricity in public administration. The citizen-centricity approach borrowed from the business environment (as a client-centricity). This approach can be used as a method to multiply the reputation. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the scientific research of russian and foreign authors as well as the authors' own research and methodological developments, including the study of foreign experience in implementing a citizen-centricity approach in public administration. Citizen-centricity, public positioning and socio-economic conditions are named as the main factors shaping the reputation by authors. Taking into account the studied foreign experience and the best practices of its application, authors have define the main directions of implementing the approach in public administration: client profiling, maintaining a register of life situations, designing and reengineering services; motivation of civil servants and their key performance indicators; service quality requirements. The implementation of the approach in public administration in the Russian Federation is analyzed in the selected directions. The key problems related to the process of providing public services and the presence of obstacles to effective interaction between the state, citizens and business are identified.
Keywords: customer-centricity; customer focus; reputation resource of the region; reputation economy; public services; motivation of civil servants; customer profile