Vladimir Sergeyevich Osipov

Vladimir S. Osipov
DSc (Economics)
DSc (Economics)
E-mail: vs.ossipov@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3109-4786
In 2014 received a DSc degree in Economics.
Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:
Chairman of Dissertation Council MGIMO (08.00.01 — Economic theory);
Member of American Law and Economic Association;
Chief Editor of Management in Agriculture;
A member of the editorial board of Financial Economy;
A member of the editorial board of Competitiveness in the Global World: Economics, Science, Technologies;
A member of the editorial board of Intellect. Innovations. Investments.
The scientific researches focus on regional development, labour market and different aspects of economic safety.
Theoretical foundations of sanctions policyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.51-69read more126
2024 is an anniversary year in terms of sanctions policy. It was in 2014 that the first sanctions packages against the Russian Federation were introduced. Based on the results of the study commissioned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, a report was prepared in which the author and colleagues suggested a positive effect of sanctions from the standpoint of implementing the import substitution policy. Aft er that, a number of other articles were written, including methodological ones, but ten years later, taking into account the significant increase in sanctions pressure in 2022–2024, the author is glad that our assumptions were justified. The rate of economic growth significantly exceeds the rate before 2022, unemployment is at its lowest level, previously lost competencies and entire sectors of the national economy are being restored, investments are increasing and household incomes are growing. Yes, one cannot but acknowledge the existence of problems, such as high infl ation, difficulties with making payments in foreign trade — one must be objective, however, one cannot but acknowledge that there are clearly more positive aspects. It is important to note that representatives of state and supranational authorities openly declare that the goal of the sanctions policy is to undermine the Russian economy. Th is article contains a literature review onthe issue of sanctions policy, highlighting blocks of research related to the justification of the sanctions policy and its goals (here, authors from the countries initiating the sanctions are mainly presented, but works by Russian scientists are also presented), the response measures of the Russian Federation, including assessments of the state of the domestic economy and its individual sectors (here, Russian authors prevail), as well as strategies for overcoming the sanctions pressure (here, works by both Russian and foreign authors are presented, including from countries that have long been subject to sanctions pressure from Western countries).Keywords: sanctions, sanctions policy, import substitution, economic policy, industrial policy.