Avdeyev Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Associate Professor
Characteristics of public administration in Russia at the present stage of state building (the view of a constitutionalist)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.56-73read more1084
The article discusses the current state of the public administration system in the Russian Federation, which began to take shape in the early 90s of the last century. The evolution of domestic public authorities is analyzed, the stages of formation of its system are singled out, the constitutional and legal assessment of the organizational features of the activities of the highest bodies of state power is given. The conclusion about the specifics of the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Russian Federation is substantiated, which predetermines the special role and place of the head of state in public administration.
It is noted that among the principles of organizing public power, the concept of separation of powers is important, which has not received its proper implementation in the organization and activities of public authorities due to the lack of a “system of balancing and mutual control”. Considering the constitutional foundations of the organization of public power, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop and adopt a federal constitutional law that would regulate the organizational activities of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the President. The possibility of adopting a federal constitutional law on public authority in connection with the constitutional amendments of 2020 is also substantiated.
The author identifies a number of problems in the development of domestic public authorities, substantiates their influence on the further development of state building. The problems of public administration are considered in two planes - "horizontal" (relations between the highest bodies of state power) and "vertical" (relations between the Russian Federation and its subjects). At the “horizontal” level, one of the important aspects of public administration is the excessive concentration of power in the hands of the head of state, which makes it difficult to implement the principle of separation of powers, the underdevelopment of political and party pluralism, the lack of implementation of the institutions of constitutional and legal responsibility. To the "vertical" - excessive regulation by the federal legislator of the powers of the subjects of the Federation, which is reflected in the restriction of the legal independence of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
In conclusion, conclusions are drawn, and some recommendations are proposed aimed at resolving the identified problems of domestic public administration.
Keywords: constitutionalism; democracy; public power; separation of powers; governance; federalism; form of government