Nikitina Anna Alekseevna
The formation of local self-government in the Rostov region in the early 1990s.Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.137-156read more706
The article focuses on the main trends in the formation of the institution of local self-government in the Rostov region in the early 1990s. The growing role of local administration in solving important issues of socio-economic development of the country and its regions at the present stage determines the relevance of the topic. Effective improvement of local self-government is possible only on the basis of the study historical experience of reforms and transformations. Using existing scientific researches the author develop own “stageization” of the process of transforming the system of government departments into local self-government authorities in the considered period. As a result of using an historical-comparative, historical-dynamic and retrospective research methods it was possible to determine the key characteristics of each stage and the main problems solved at each of them. The author installed the process of the formation of federal legislation on local self-government and its impact on the creation of a regional legislation in the Rostov region. It is concluded that the system of local self-government built in the Rostov region was organizationally consistent with constitutional principles. It is necessary to further study the problem with the expansion of the range of sources, which will highlight the most promising directions for the development of local self-government and, possibly, will be of practical interest for modern public authorities.
Keywords: Local councils of people's deputies; local administration; local government reform; legal regulation of local administration; Rostov region