Kondrashev Andrey Alexandrovich

Doctor of Law
Innovation infrastructure in the subjects of the Russian Federation: the evolution of organizational and legal approaches to the implementation of regional state policy in the field of innovationLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 4. p.16-33read more850
The article analyzes the concept and elements of the innovation infrastructure created in the subjects of the Russian Federation over the past thirty years. The author evaluates the evolution of the use of such innovative infrastructure facilities as business incubators, techno parks, clusters, SEZs in the regions of our country, and comes to the conclusion that the results of their use in recent years are quite modest and do not lead to a significant increase in the production of innovative products. At the same time, the author uses the example of a number of subjects of the Siberian Federal District (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Novosibirsk and Tomsk Regions, the Republic of Yakutia) to determine the advantages of using such innovative development institutions as research support funds, venture and guarantee funds, as well as regional development corporations by the subjects of the Russian Federation. The article suggests linking federal priorities for the development of science and innovation support with regional priorities, defining subjects and criteria for providing assistance at the expense of regional budgets in the relevant regional law on innovation, as well as building a clear system for providing types of subsidies in regional state programs for the development of innovation. In addition, the article proposes to legislatively regulate the activities of existing regional institutions of regional innovative development (science support funds, development corporations, innovation support funds).
Keywords: innovation, innovation infrastructure, regional funds to support scientific activity, scientific and technological development of Russia