Zaitseva Aleksandra Sergeevna
Theory and Practice of Geobranding in Modern Russia on the Example of MurmanskLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 3. p.77-101read more723
Due to the pace of modern life, rapid development of information technologies, constant changes of internal and external environments, and other factors it is necessary for the majority of Russian cities and regions to find their own unique cultural and economic niche, as well as to use geobranding methodology. The article is dedicated to the nature, genesis and the best practices of this marketing instrument, which is essential for Russian realities. The city of Murmansk, which represents the Arctic zone of Russia, provides a detailed and illustrative example of the potential of the specific geobrand. The main focus of the given recommendations of the development of Murmansk geobrand is directed into the spheres of the state economic policies in our country today.
Keywords: geobranding, place marketing, place branding, place brand, city brand, brand of Murmansk