Kokorin Aleksander Mikhailovich
Socio-economic Processes of Development of the Regional Film IndustryLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 3. p.58-76read more5071
Development of the Russian film industry is capable to have a considerable impact on increase in appeal of regions of the country. However, this cultural resource is mastered at the regional level insufficiently in comparison with the existing world practices. It does the presented material relevant. The purpose of article is consideration of the possible directions of interaction of the organizations of film production, film advance, a film screening and regions of Russia on formation, development and use of partner resources. Use of resources of cinema both on level of production, and at the level of a hire, is capable to increase the appeal of the environment of the region in various directions. Participation of regional budgets, local business at all stages of film process create additional conditions both for production and a hire of cinema, and for social and economic development of the region. The possible effect of these processes is still underestimated by opportunities of increase in investment attractiveness, regional competitiveness due to increase in level of recognition and formation of identity of the cities. Creation of more comfortable cultural and service environment thanks to a factor of involvement of economic entities of the film industry demands development of special approaches. The specifics of use of resources of the regional film commissions and regional service companies as economic and institutional agents of the film industry are considered by production of film products. Use of regional Film Festivals as potential and real events on advance of an image of regions, promotes increase in appeal of image of the territory and their locations. The concept on influence of the film industry on formation of positive recognizable image of regions is developed. The offered universal algorithm can be used when developing a strategy for development, advancement and implementation of regional programs in the sphere of culture, tourism and education based on the principles of national and regional identity.
Keywords: film industry, film industry resources, regional cinema, regional risks of the film industry, regional film commissions, rebates, regional Film Festivals, service film companies, image of the region