Baev Evgeniy Viktorovich
Conflicts between the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR and Republican Sectoral Ministries and Departments (1946–1953)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 2. p.63-81read more634
The article discusses the functions of the RSFSR Gosplan, its relations with the USSR Gosplan, the RSFSR Government, ministries and departments of the RSFSR. On the basis of archival materials, a conclusion is made about the objective nature of the interdepartmental disagreements of the national economic bodies of the RSFSR. Attempts to resolve conflicts between the RSFSR Gosplan and republican sectoral departments are shown on a number of concrete examples, and the high authority of the State Planning Committee in resolving economic issues is demonstrated.
Keywords: RSFSR Gosplan, planned economy, late Stalinism, interdepartmental conflicts