Katkov, Alexei Dmitrovich
The Process of Globalization and the Problem of Limiting Sovereignty (Vectors of Political and Academic Discussion)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 1. p.61-78read more895
This article studies the factors that can limit sovereignty (other sovereignties, international law and international organizations, transnational companies, etc.) and discussion in the scientific community on this issue. The impact of the process of globalization on sovereignty is also investigated in this paper. The process of globalization, although it is limiting sovereignty of state (especially in the economic sphere) does not lead to the loss of sovereignty, since it is the states that prove to be the most effective instruments to overcome various crises (for example, financial and economic ones) and the creation of a system of universal governance is impossible without existence of effective states. Thus, sovereignty continues to be an important part of the system of international relations, remaining at the forefront of political and scientific discourse.
Keywords: sovereignty; globalization; international law; sovereignty restriction