Belousova, Marina Vladimirovna
Structure and Functions of the Committee on the Control and Management of State Property of ChinaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 1. p.43-60read more810
The article discusses the history of establishment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee (SASAC), as well as its structure and its formal and real competences. Despite the extent of the powers this authority was granted when established, its actions are restricted through the interests of other actors in the institutional structure. The author studies in detail competences of SASAC regarding the practices of appointment of topmanagers of SOEs, control rights in state enterprise assets and control rights in management of SOEs.
Keywords: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee, state-owned enterprises, state assets
Business Group Formation in China’s Steel Industry: The Case of Baowu Steel GroupLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2019. 4. p.63-84read more705
The article analyzes the case of building and development of the Chinese business group in steel industry. The author reviews the concept of business groups, the purpose of their building, as well as government initiatives aimed at supporting their development in the context of the reform of state enterprises. Further, the analysis of the structure of the China Baowu Steel Group, as well as the classification of member enterprises according to the four-level management system of business groups adopted by the state bodies of China, is provided. The third part is devoted to the development of the China Baowu Steel Group in accordance with the priorities of the state industrial policy.
Keywords: business groups, China, steel industry, state enterprises, mergers and acquisitions, national champions
The evolution of the soft power concept by J. Nye from its formation to the present dayLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.3-23read more936
The article analyzes the evolution of the soft power concept that was developed at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries by the American political scientist J. S. Nye Jr. The authors consider the transformation of the soft power concept in accordance with global shifts in the system of international relations, changes in the balance of forces between the main actors and the rapid development of digital technologies. The analysis of soft power and smart power concept as well as their relationship with various manifestations of hard power is provided. Furthermore, possibilities of using hard power instruments in order to generate an effect comparable to the one of soft power are regarded. The authors separately consider the concept of legitimacy in the successful application of soft power technologies as well as the possibilities of manipulative application of strategies aimed at forming attractive images through propaganda. The authors place special emphasis on the fact that the policy of D. Trump forced by J. Nye to adjust his concept of the main soft power resources and to strengthen the role of the public as the main carrier of norms and values attractive to other countries in times of crisis. At the same time, the main practical purpose of the concept of J. Nye is still to preserve the role of the global hegemon for the United States of America.
Keywords: Joseph Nye; soft power; hard power; smart power; legitimacy; propaganda; world politics; US foreign policy; globalization; digital technologies; Donald Trump