Kozhevnikov, Oleg Aleksandrovich

Doctor of Law
Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Selected Issues of the Constitutional Transformation of Public Administration in RussiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 2. p.24-37read more769
Public administration reform issues have always been topical in Russia. Therefore, public administration reforms are constantly being carried out in Russia. However, the quality of “administrative reforms” and their results are unsatisfactory. This undoubtedly became a prerequisite for all kinds of updates in 2020, including when developing amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The article briefly analyzes the preconditions for public administration reforms in Russia. Conclusions are made about the current state of the public administration system. The following directions of reforming public authorities, undertaken in 2020, are analyzed: the emergence of federal territories as a special kind of political-territorial units and the practice of their establishment on the example of the federal territory “Sirius; changes in the legal status of the highest authorities (primarily in terms of the redistribution of powers between the branches of government); anti-corruption novelties in the constitutional text. Special attention is paid to the digitalization of public administration: it’s current state and plans for digital transformation for the coming years.
Keywords: public administration, public authority, administrative reform, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutional reform, digital transformation
Interaction between legislative and executive bodies of state power in the federal budget processLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 1. p.137-150read more795
The main forms of interaction between legislative and executive bodies
of state power of the Russian Federation in the federal budget process are
identifi ed and considered. Particular attention is paid to the content and forms
of interaction of participants in the federal budget process from the point of
view of the implementation of the constitutional principle of separation of
powers, the factors infl uencing compliance with this principle are identified,
proposals for the development of constitutional interaction of participants in
the federal budget process are outlined.Keywords: interaction; constitutional principles; separation of powers; public authorities; budget process