Sazhina, Muza Arkadievna
Innovation cluster as a mechanism for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the crisis conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemicLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 1. p.32-47read more575
The article examines the issues in the areas of communications, education and healthcare which become urgent because of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the base of the reviewed content, it is concluded that the current crisis has caused the main damage to human capital and digitalization is not a panacea for the pressing problems. As a result, one of the necessary mechanisms for their solution is the organization of innovation clusters.
The theoretical research methods used in the article are logical, statistical and deductive methods, analysis and synthesis, generalization and concretization. The empirical methods used in the article are deductive method, statistical analysis, comparison, interpretation.
To support the thesis, the activity of innovation cluster in solving the problems is described on the basis of economic theory and real business practice during the crisis. So, self-organization and cooperation of participating enterprises, personal communication and synergy of education and work make innovation cluster the key element of innovation policy. Then, it is stated that the complexity of this mechanism is offset by the effect in the long term.
The practical significance of the article is the application of the innovation cluster methodology in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis for the development of the future of the innovative economy.
Keywords: innovation cluster, crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, communications, education, healthcare, small and medium-sized enterprises