Sobolev, Sergei Andreevich
Participation of the Moscow agglomeration in interregional and intermunicipal cooperationLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2021. 1. p.3-31read more724
The presented article is devoted to the current problems of the development of metropolitan agglomerations on the example of the Moscow agglomeration using the resources of interregional and inter-municipal cooperation. The Moscow metropolitan agglomeration is the largest in Europe both in terms of territory and in terms of the population living in it. Its modern structure differs from other world metropolitan agglomerations (Paris, London, Tokyo, Mexico City, etc.) in that Moscow, as the center of the agglomeration, takes the initiative of the development center of the entire Moscow megaregion. Its role is that it becomes a driver of economic growth not only for the economies of neighboring regions and municipalities of the Moscow Region, but also for municipalities of neighboring regions bordering the Moscow Region. A new model of interregional and inter-municipal interaction is being formed, significant for the state as a whole: after all, industry, business and labor resources are concentrated here, innovative high-tech products are produced. The article presents a reproductive approach to the development of agglomeration as a form of internal and external interaction of territories. The effects of this form of interaction, which are expressed in the general improvement of the quality of development of all socio-economic processes both in individual territories and in agglomeration as a whole, have been identified: intensification of migration flows both at the level of external migration and at the level of internal migration in administrative-territorial entities, increasing the degree of accessibility of public transport and social services, etc. Together, the identified private effects form a synergistic result of the transformation of a simple set of territories into a complex, interconnected, effectively functioning mechanism. The following methods were used to conduct research: comparative analysis, content analysis, graphic, system approach.
Keywords: interregional cooperation, inter-municipal cooperation, agglomeration, socio-economic processes, effects of territory development, hub region, recipient region, donor region
Strengthening of agglomeration processes in spatial development: theory and practiceLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 4. p.61-85read more915
Currently agglomerations are one of the most widespread forms of territorial organization of population, whose formation is determined by many socio-economic reasons: urbanization, pendulum migration, strengthening of inter-municipal and inter-regional relations, formation of new centres of economic activity and points of innovation growth, concentration of production capacities, the influence of transnational corporations, etc. However, uncontrolled intensive sprawl of agglomerations leads to the formation of many risks — economic, environmental, social, legal and managerial. This article deals with the study of agglomeration processes in Russia and a number of foreign countries. It considers the evolution of theoretical approaches of representatives of regional economic science in the context of research into the conceptual framework of agglomerations. The article provides examples of practical mechanisms of agglomeration processes regulation in the world. The author’s assessment of the impact and role of agglomerations on spatial and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is given. The following research methods are applied: system approach, comparative analysis, content analysis, graphical method, statistical methods, methods of observation and modeling.
Keywords: urban agglomerations.; agglomeration processes; spatial development; socio-economic development; urbanisation; territorial organisation of population; agglomeration effects; suburbanisation; sustainable development; gentrification
Public administration in new geopolitical and geo-economic conditions (results of the work of the XIX international conference)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 1. p.3-57read more692
The publication provides an overview of the XIХ International Scientific Conference “Public administration in new geopolitical and geoeconomic conditions”, annually held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University School of Public Administration. A summary of the main reports of the conference participants, results of the plenary session, sections and round tables organized by the departments and other structural subdivisions of the Faculty are presented. The aim of the conference was to discuss the most important and actual problems of management in modern conditions; to exchange scientif c and practical experience; to work out recommendations on improvement of theoretical bases of the considered phenomena. The conference was held in a mixed format in Russian and English. During the conference the following issues were discussed: economic modernization, problems of digital transformation of public administration, modern opportunities of social systems management and human resource management in the challenges of modern times, prospects for strategic planning and import substitution. Political, legal and administrative aspects of public authority functioning, national issues, peculiarities of global economy transformation under sanctions, problems of sustainable business development in the context of modern global processes were considered.Keywords: public administration; geopolitical and geo-economic conditions; mobilization economy.; international relations; modernization; digital transformation; sustainable development; technological sovereignty; regional and municipal administration; public power; import substitution
Geopolitical and geo-economic environment geo-economic Conditions (Results of the XX International Conference)Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.168-190read more472
The publication provides an overview of the 20th International Scientifi c Conference “Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Conditions”, held annually at the Faculty of Public Administration of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. During the conference, new trends in the science and practice of public administration, challenges of the modern world economy, problems and prospects of digital transformation of public administration, problems of regional and municipal management, features of staffing the public administration system, prospects for strategic planning, challenges and prospects of Eurasian integration, the role of BRICS countries on the path to establishing a new world order, issues of anti-crisis management of the public and commercial sectors, modern capabilities for managing social systems and personnel management in the face of the challenges of new times. The economic, political, legal aspects of the functioning of public authority, national issues, historical processes, social transformations, issues of sustainable development of the state, crisis phenomena at the macro-, meso- and micro levels, problems of sustainable business development in the context of modern global processes, new personnel technologies of domestic companies are considered.Keywords: public administration; geopolitical and geo-economic conditions; digital transformation; sustainable development; artifi cial intelligence; social transformation; international relations; regional and municipal management; public authority; anti-crisis management; strategic planning; human capital
The publication provides an overview of the 20th International Scientific Conference “Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo- Economic Conditions”, held annually at the Faculty of Public Administration of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. During the conference, new trends in the science and practice of public administration, challenges of the modern world economy, problems and prospects of digital transformation of public administration, problems of regional and municipal management, features of staffing the public administration system, prospects for strategic planning, chal- lenges and prospects of Eurasian integration, the role of BRICS countries on the path to establishing a new world order, issues of anti-crisis management of the public and commercial sectors, modern capabilities for managing social systems and personnel management in the face of the challenges of new times. The economic, political, legal aspects of the functioning of public authority, national issues, historical processes, social transformations, issues of sustainable development of the state, crisis phenomena at the macro-, meso- and micro levels, problems of sustainable business development in the context of modern global processes, new personnel technologies of domestic companies.
Keywords: public administration; geopolitical and geo-economic conditions; digital transformation; sustainable development; artificial intelligence; social transformation; international relations; regional and municipal management; public authority; anti-crisis management; strategic planning; human capital