Rublev Dmitriy Ivanovich
The activity of Ukrainian political forces on the territory of Russia during the era of the Civil War (1918-1922) is one of the topical and little-studied topics of modern historiography. The most influential and well-known political organizations of that time included the Confederation of Anarchist Organizations of Ukraine "Nabat". At the end of 1918-1920. She managed to consolidate the anarchist movement in her ranks on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and neighboring regions of the RSFSR. The ideologists of the "Alarm" (A.D. Baron, V.M. Volin et al.) formulated the socio-political concept of "unified anarchism", which synthesized the main provisions of the most influential anarchist political doctrines (anarchist communism, anarcho-syndicalism and anarchist individualism) and created the ideological prerequisites for uniting the majority of anarchists. The Makhnovist movement turned out to be under the ideological influence of the Nabatovists. They took leading positions in his political, propaganda and partly military structures. The published documents reveal various aspects of the activities aimed at transforming Nabat from a Ukrainian to an all-Russian organization of anarchists, show the main aspects of the political strategy of the Nabatovites, the structural features of their organization, attitude to terrorism and other methods of political struggle.
Keywords: anarchism, anarchist movement in Ukraine in the era of the Civil War (1918-1922), Baron Aron Davidovich, Confederation of Anarchist organizations of Ukraine "Nabat", Moscow Workers' Union of Anarchists "Nabat", Russian-Ukrainian relations, terrorism
Anarchists and the Leadership of the RCP (B.): Negotiations on the Legalization of the anarchist Movement in 1920Lomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 1. p.91-135read more693
The anarchist movement played an important role in the events of the great Russian revolution of 1917–1922, both as an ally and as an opponent of the Bolshevik dictatorship. The interaction of anarchist organizations of this period with the governing structures of the RCP(b) is still a topic that has not been fully disclosed. Documents found in the Russian state archive of socio-political history and the State archive of the Russian Federation are dedicated to the events of December 1919 — April 1920, related to the attempt to form the all-Russian Union of anarchists. This project brought together representatives of the most influential anarchist organizations operating on the territory of the RSFSR. The published documents allow the reader to learn about the negotiations of anarchists with the leadership of the RCP (b) on the legalization of their activities, Amnesty and cessation of repression, as well as about the attempt to create an organization in Moscow to protect American political prisoners.
Keywords: anarchist movement, Moscow Union of Anarchists, All-Russian Union of Anarchists, V.I. Lenin, A. Berkman, E. Goldman
The system of social management in the concept of “constructive anarchism” G.P. MaksimovaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 1. p.23-40read more768
The article is devoted to the managerial ideas of G.P. Maksimov, one of the most famous theorists of Russian anarchism in the late 1910s - 1930s. The author examines the concept of a "transition period" to an imperious society, developed by Maximov in the late 1920s in his work "Constructive Anarchism". For this model of socio-political structure, it was assumed that the elements of power would be preserved in a decentralized form, transferred to the elected bodies of industrial and territorial self-government of workers. The author analyzes the origins of Maximov's concept and its role in the development of the anarchist current of world social thought.
Keywords: anarchism; anarchic communism; anarcho-syndicalism; "constructive anarchism"; P.A. Kropotkin; G.P. Maksimov
"Anarchists-syndicalists-communists": On the History of the Anarchist Movement of Russia in the Era of the Civil WarLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 4. p.86-110read more950
The anarchist movement was one of the most influential and active political forces operating in Russia during the revolutionary events of 1917–1922. Despite the interest of researchers in the history of Russian anarchism, even the most famous anarchist organizations at that time, their formation, activities, did not become the object of historians’ research. The document published by the author, the charter of the Union of Anarcho-Syndicalist-Communists of Moscow (SASK), reveals the ideological position and view of the leaders of this organization on the tactics, strategy, structure of the anarchist organization. SASK was a project aimed at consolidating anarchists-communist and anarcho-syndicalists who sought to find the most promising strategies in the conditions of the Bolshevik dictatorship and civil war.Keywords: anarchism; anarchist movement; anarchist-communists; anarcho-syndicalism; anarcho-syndicalists; Union of anarcho-syndicalists -communists of Moscow
State-capitalist model of the economy: the view of P.A. KropotkinLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 4. p.66-85read more627
The article is devoted to the views on the state-capitalist model of the economy, refl ected in the works of P.A. Kropotkin, one of the founders of anarchism and a world-famous scientist. In his writings of 1896–1921. Peter Kropotkin criticized state capitalism, considering it as part of the program of socio-economic transformations of social-democratic parties and as a real system of economic relations. Th e article traces the development of Kropotkin’s views on state capitalism, presents their generalized analysis.Keywords: anarchism; anarchist communism; state capitalism; Peter Alekseevich Kropotkin; socialism; social-democratic movement