Sharin Valeriy Ivanovich

Doctor of Economics
Social guarantees as a mechanism of long-term stimulation of work of civil servantsLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 2. p.97-112read more654
The research is aimed at studying the role of social guarantees in stimulating the work of public civil servants. Social guarantees of state civil servants are the most important incentives for officials. Researchers give ambiguous assessments of state social guarantees in terms of labor incentives. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to evaluate the stimulating impact of state social guarantees on the activities of civil servants and suggest measures to improve the application of social guarantees. The research used methods of system analysis and general scientific methods. To achieve this goal, the article substantiates the importance of social guarantees in the system of motivation of civil servants, analyzes the state social guarantees, and assesses the effectiveness of their application in the civil service. Based on the results of the study, the authors assess the stimulating influence of state social guarantees on the activities of state civil servants. It is established that some social guarantees, which are long-term in nature and aimed at forming long-term service relationships, have a weak connection with service experience, which reduces their stimulating influence. Based on the author’s analysis of the identified problems of the impact of state social guarantees on the activities of civil servants, the need to strengthen the stimulating role of social guarantees related to seniority, including: a monthly Supplement to the official salary, the provision of housing subsidies, state awards and other guarantees, by further differentiating the length of service and the amount of guarantees. As a perspective for the study of social guarantees, it seems appropriate to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of their application in the state civil service of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: state civil service, social guarantees, motivation and stimulation of labor