Panova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Professional orientation of youth on the agenda of the tasks for Russian state policyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2020. 2. p.36-60read more920
The article is devoted to a review of modern practice of implementing state policy on career guidance for youth. It is indicated that the choice by young people of the future sphere of professional activity is mainly situational-factorial, and not predictive-conscious in nature. A list of the main groups of factors motivating the choice of the future profession by modern Russian youth is given. The purpose of the article is to prove the need to strengthen the role of the state in the professional orientation of youth. On the basis of the study, the need was identified to intensify the strategic approach within the framework of this state policy, to build on a systematic basis holistic work on the formation of labor resources and career guidance for youth in accordance with the current situation and prospects for the development of the labor market, the synthesis of ongoing career counseling measures at all levels of youth education, strengthening collaboration of a wide range of participants (state and non-state institutions, federal and regional actors of state policy). As a measure to strengthen the state policy on career guidance for youth, it is proposed to switch from a tactical career guidance model to a career management model based on an analysis of the current state and a forecast analysis of future labor market transformations.
Keywords: state policy, youth, vocational guidance, career management, labor market