Yao Zhipeng
The importance, risks and management of education in the context of the introduction of generative artifi cial intelligence in educational and administrative activities of universitiesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.170-185read more90
A new round of technological revolution combined with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies has led to the fact that generative artificial intelligence (GII) has opened an era of deep integration between artificial intelligence and education. GII determines the introduction of new teaching scenarios in higher education institutions and generally contributes to the high-quality development of higher education. The article is a study of the possibilities and limitations of using GII in higher education. The uniqueness of the material consists in the use of a wide range of materials in Chinese, which allows us to compare domestic and Chinese educational practices and enrich Russian approaches to understanding the role of GII in the educational space. Despite the fact that the use of GII is of great importance for higher education, it also creates certain potential and real risks, among which one can highlight the alienation of the "academic spirit" among students and teachers, risks in teacher-student interaction, as well as information security risks. It is concluded that in the context of digital transformation, the use of GII in higher education has significant essential consequences, including both positive ones (expanding opportunities for working with information from all educational subjects, more active involvement of students in the educational space through the formation and content selection, reducing the burden on teachers by performing routine tasks of GII), and negative results in the form of ethical dilemmas, equality of access to higher education, a decrease in the quality of higher education, leveling the role of the teacher in the educational process. Based on the identified limitations and opportunities for the implementation of GII, recommendations are proposed to improve the efficiency of management of educational and administrative processes in the field of higher education.Keywords: generative artificial intelligence, higher education, higher education management, risks of GII implementation, educational innovations.