Denis L. Ostrovkin

Ostrovkin D.L.
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Ural state forestry engineering university
Youth policy and its role in the strategic development of the universityLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.70-92read more91
At the moment, youth policy is becoming one of the main priorities for the development of the state and society. At the same time, the problem of the demand for the potential influence of youth policy on the development of an educational organization of higher education, as well as the difficulties that arise in the process of implementing youth policy in the university development program, remains insufficiently studied. Th e research methods used were expert questioning, analysis of cause-and-effect relationships, general statistical analysis and analysis of regulatory documents, construction of matrices and graphs. Th e information base consisted of a survey of 145 vice-rectors of Russian universities from 52 regions of the Russian Federation, conducted from October to December 2023, which examined practical approaches to the implementation of youth policy. In practical terms, the article identifies the levels of influence and interconnection of the activities under study on other university policies, and presents conclusions about the high role of youth policy in terms of the strategic and economic development of the university. The most significant factors influencing the increase in university recognition, economic efficiency and strategic through the prism of youth policy were identified, and possible
criteria for its effectiveness were identifi ed. As the main results and results, the
publication contains conclusions about the specifics and significance of youth policy, promising directions for its implementation, and recommendations are given regarding measures to include youth policy in terms of effective integration
into university development programs.Keywords: youth policy, university, higher education institution, economy, strategy, university development program.