Sinitsyna K.I.
E-mail: SinitsinaK@mail.ru
Phd of economic, Economic Research Institute, Donetsk, Russia
ANALYZING THE PROPERTIES OF A REFERENCE INNOVATIVELY ACTIVE ORGANIZATIONLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 3. p.81-97read more129
The functioning of the innovation activity management system of enterprises, as a rule, is based on the use of classical management concepts, the analysis of which has established their fragmentation, linearity and, often, a distorted perception of the patterns of human behavior, which limits the application of the normative paradigm, since it no longer allows to obtain the necessary result. The purpose of the study is to use the synergetic approach as a template, as some form of distinction, to implement the selection of congruent properties of a reference innovatively active organization. To achieve this goal, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization, a synergetic approach, and a method of reflection are used. The article presents the essential characteristics of the synergetic properties of a self-organizing system, which made it possible to create an image of a reference innovatively active organization. The structural elements of the management practices of a reference innovatively active organization are displayed, assessing the phenomena and processes that affect the level of innovation activity. It is proposed that the parameters in an innovatively active organization, through which the activity of co-creation subjects is regulated, can be assessed and regulated through a number of management practices: self-determination by employees of areas of activity and the selection of means necessary for the implementation of ideas; reflexive goal-setting, involving discussion by the head with the staff of goals and joint determination of optimal ways to achieve them; participation in expert groups on the systematic evaluation of author's proposals in the field of innovation and invention based on interaction and mutual respect in the framework of providing feedback. It is concluded that the key to using a synergetic approach to managing an innovatively active organization is a minimal, nonlinear, reflexive influence on the social subsystem, in which the meaning-forming factor is taking into account the behavioral patterns of individuals, allowing the subject of management to maintain organizational identity through minimal intervention and orient the process of self-organization in the direction of innovative development.Keywords: management; innovation activity; organization; management; external environment; cognitive potential; self-organization