Pugachev Vasily Pavlovich

Doctor of Philosophy
- Emeritus Professor of MSU.
- Emeritus Worker of higher professional education in Russian Federation.
- Diploma (2nd place) in All-Russia competition “The best scientific work in personnel management” (nomination: “The best studybook”).
In 1987 received a DSc degree in Philosophy.
Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:
- A member of editorial board of Upravleniye personalom i intellektual’nymi resursami v Rossii.
- A Deputy Chairman of Dissertation Council MGU.22.02 (22.00.08 — Sociology of management).
Fields of academic interests cover personnel management, personnel motivation, manipulation, hidden methods of influence, information and financial totalitarism.
State control and personal freedom in a digital societyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2022. 2. p.36-55read more767
The article analyzes the process of expanding of state control in a modern society, especially intensified at the period of COVID pandemic. The concepts of state and political control are specified, the insufficient scientific development of the problems of transformation of state control in a digital society is declared, the real and possible negative consequences of state regulation and control of private life, behavior and consciousness of people for personal freedom and democratic social structure are discussed. Two main groups of reasons for the expansion of state control in a digital society and its methods are identified and analyzed: the scientific and technical and social ones. It is shown that the dominance of the interests of the ruling elite in a state policy encourages it to use the expansion of state control not only for increasing the efficiency of public administration, but first of all for the purpose of neo-totalitarian transformation of the management system and society on the whole. By means of the examples of the United States and the other states, the specific forms of growing regulation and control of people's privacy, behavior and consciousness are revealed. The general mechanism of the destructive impact of total control on society and the individual is demonstrated. It is shown that this impact leads to elimination of civil society, freedom and democracy and in the future, if consistently implemented, may cause anthropological degeneration of the human race itself, a person as a rational being with freedom of thought and will. The conducted analysis results in conclusions and recommendations on optimization and democratization of the process of transformation of state control in the digital society.
Keywords: Control; state control; totalitarianism; freedom; democracy; the ruling elite; anthropological degeneration
System causes of corruption in modern societyLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 3. p.20-40read more504
The article is devoted to identifying the deepest, system causes of corruption that make it impossible to combat it eff ectively. It clarifi es the concept of corruption and reveals the specifi city of its system causes related to the confl ict of interests of managers and the ones who are managed, the policy of the ruling elite, which does not properly perform its function of control over managers or covertly indulges in the creation of a corrupt environment, which, according to the laws of synergetic, reproduces this managerial dysfunction. It is shown that in Russia the emergence of system causes of corruption is associated with the moral and social degradation of the Soviet nomenklatura elite and a sharp weakening of control over politicians and offi cials in the early post-Soviet period, the failure of the ruling elite to fulfi ll its system functions to combat destructive phenomena, the actual creation of a hidden state mechanism
for encouraging corruption. Th e most important ways to eliminate the system causes of corruption in modern Russia are outlined.Keywords: corruption; class of managers; ruling elite; conflict of interest; corruption network; system nature of corruption
THEORY AND PRACTICE OF STAFF MOTIVATION IN THE LIGHT OF INTEGRATION PARADIGMLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 2. p.202-220read more313
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the integration paradigm for understanding the motivational process of personnel and to iden- tifying the possibilities of its scientific, theoretical and applied application. It analyzes existing scientific approaches to motivating organizational personnel, showing their methodological limitations and inconsistency with the needs of modern digital society in a holistic, systemic representation of the motivational process, which becomes possible on the basis of the proposed new, integration paradigm of motivation based on the use of activity-based and systemic ap- proaches. System-activity methodology allows us to consider organizational motivation as an integral process of determining the behavior of employees in their practical, individual and collective, managerial and executive, constructive and destructive activities. In the integration paradigm, the fundamental catego- ries of the concept of motivating personnel behavior are rethought, as close as possible to reality, and various, including spontaneous, factors of its determina- tion are taken into account in scientific research and practical work. Attention is focused on the need for collective development, based on the imperatives of the integration paradigm, of a general model of the motivational process, represent- ing various determinants of individual and collective organizational behavior of people in their holistic interaction. Such a model, embodied in appropriate computer programs, could serve as a scientific and applied basis for managing organizational motivation, using which one can take motivational work to a new, higher level that meets the requirements and capabilities of the digital society.
Keywords: personnel motivation; integration motivational paradigm; organizational motivation system; activity approach; systems approach; destructive motivation