ISSN 2073-2643
En Ru
ISSN 2073-2643
Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich

Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich

Никонов В.А.
Vyacheslav A. Nikonov
Doctor of History
Scopus ID: 55788542200
ResearcherID: 852517

  • Awarded with the Order of Honour (2018), the Medal of the Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» of second class (2013), the Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow of third class (2012) and second class (2016).
  • Many times received messages of thanks from the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • Holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, Varna Free University, Pridnestrovian State University. TG Shevchenko, China Centrefor Contemporary World Studies. 

In 1989 Dr. Nikonov received a DSc degree in History and became the youngest doctor of history in the USSR.

  • Since 1991 has held different positions in public authorities.
  • Since 1993 — the president of Politika (Politics) foundation
  • Since 2003 — the president of Edinstvo vo imya Rossii (Unity for the sake of Russia) foundation.
  • Since 2011 — the chairman of the board of Russkiy mir (Russian world) foundation.
  • A member of the State Duma, since 2013 — a chairman of the Science and Education Committee.
  • A member of the State Duma, from 2013 to 2021 — a chairman of the Science and Education Committee. Since October 2021 — first Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

Participating in councils, work groups, projects and other boards of editors:

  • The Chairman of Dissertation Council MGU.07.02 (07.00.15 — History of International Relations and Foreign Policy).
  • A member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • The editor-in-chief of Strategiya Rossii (Russian Strategy).
  • A vice chairman of the board of editors of Rossiya v global’noy politike (Russia in Global Affairs).
  • A member of the Bureau of the Council for foreign and defense policy.
  • A member of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • The Chairman of the Russian national committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP); the chairman of the board of the National BRICS Research Committee.

Dr. Nikonov’s researches focus on US history, international relations problems, geopolitics, politology, Russian history, current Russian politics and politics leadership.

In 2015–2021 were published the following monographs: «Comprende la Russie», 
«Oktyabr’ 1917» (“October 1917”), «Liderstvo po-russki» (“Russian leadership”), «Molotov: nashe delo pravoye» (“Molotov: our cause is right”), «Sovremennyy mir i ego istoki» (“Modern world and its origins”), «Kod tsivilizatsii» (Code of civilization”), «Krusheniye Rossii. 1917» (“Russia’s collapse. 1917”), «Lenin. Chelovek, kotoryy izmenil vsë» (“Lenin. A man who changed everything”).
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