The Department of Management Sociology is 25 years old: Anniversary ReflectionsLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.191-214read more437
The article is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University and sums up the 25-year period of work of the Department of Management Sociology. However, the department has its own, longer history, going back to the so-called “post-
Stalin” period, when large-scale historical changes in education and science began. In this story, “the time spent is measured by formations”, the change of which took place with stunning rapidity — within the time limits of one generation in science, which had the task of comprehending the changes taking place,
conceptualizing them within a certain disciplinary framework and at the same time ensuring a continuous educational process and reproduction of scientific and pedagogical personnel. It is precisely such tipping points that will become the subject of our research memoir.Keywords: social sciences; scientific communism; ideology; party leadership; sociology; sociology of management