Integration of mathematical methods and digital technologies as the basis for the creation of a set of fundamental courses in the training of modern management personnelLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.139-167read more438
The digital transformation of public administration requires a significant change in the training of students in the fi eld of state and municipal administration (SMA), who possess a wide range of digital competencies. The foundation for the formation of digital competencies is the basic and special
disciplines of mathematics and computer science. The purpose of this article is to determine the optimal trajectory of students’ education to obtain the necessary competencies. For this purpose, the article consistently examines and solves the problems of the essence of digital competencies (1), the specifi c
features of teaching mathematics and computer science to students in the area of SMA (2), the interaction of these courses with other courses in the area of SMA (3), the content, scope and sequence of these courses (4). Conclusions and suggestions are based on generalization rich experience of Lomonosov Moscow State University, one of the fi rst Russian universities that opened
SMA education, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, as well as regulatory documents governing the digital transformation of public administration.Keywords: public and municipal administration; educational programs; mathematics for humanities; mathematical methods for managers; computer science for managers; artifi cial intelligence; big data; digital transformation of public administration