Digital profile: issues of definition and use in Public AdministrationLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.98-120read more872
The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of digital profile and the specifi cs of its use in public administration. Based on the analysis of legal acts and literature, two defi nitions of digital profi le in the narrow and broad sense are formulated. Due to the fact that a digital profi le has an
“owner” who can dispose of the information (data) constituting the profi le itself, it is concluded that a digital profi le can be only for subjects of social relations (individuals, organizations, public-law entities), and objects can only have a digital passport containing its characteristics. Th e study of foreign experience in the application of digital profi les has shown its signifi cance for the digital
transformation of public administration. The creation of digital profi les in the management system promotes automation, optimization and typologization of the public sector, transforming this area towards openness, proactivity and personalization. Th e emergence of states in metaverses, the creation of their own state (municipal) metaverses confi rms the need to improve the phenomenon of
digital profi le in order to form digital avatars that allow the state, society and citizens to interact in the digital space.Keywords: digital transformation; digitalization; artificial intelligence; digital profile; digital profile of individuals; digital profile of organizations; digital profile of public-law entities; digital passport of an object; metaverse; public administration; public services; sustainable development; digital avatar