Digital interaction between Citizens and the State: citizens’ assessment of EffectivenessLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 1. p.82-97read more497
This article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted by RANEPA in 2022 and 2023. The survey collected data on eight directions of digital interaction between citizens and the state. The results diff er from the administrative and statistical data collected by the state, which assess citizens’
views on the effectiveness of digital interaction with the state. The current administrative
and statistical data are generally limited to the assessment of citizens’ satisfaction with the quality of public services provided in electronic form, but this paper also looks at other directions of interaction between citizens and the state. Citizens’ assessment of the eff ectiveness of digital interaction with the
state varies according to the direction (objective) of interaction. Satisfaction with the use of digital formats for interaction with the state exceeds 55% in 7 of the 8 directions considered. There is a positive trend in the level of satisfaction compared to 2022.Keywords: public administration; assessment; effectiveness; digitalization; digital interaction; digital maturity