Diasporas and interethnic competition as factors of ethnoconfessional tension in modern RussiaLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 4. p.140-157read more662
The changing nature of migration processes in the post-Soviet space, the sharp asynchrony of the demographic behavior of various ethnic groups and other modern factors are aggravating society’s attitude towards diaspora practices. The main motive for uniting the diaspora is ethnofavoritism. It
is possible to interpret both tribalistic and familistic preferences, characteristic of traditional societies, as manifestations of “extended egoism.” These preferences undermine the multi-level and extremely complex system of impersonal trust in a multicultural society and reduce the overall quality of its social capital. Today we are faced with an obvious contradiction in the issue of managing ethnocultural diversity: on the one hand, the diaspora model of behavior in a multicultural society is inevitable, on the other hand, government bodies, civil society institutions, and the media are not coping with the task of stopping the
influence of diaspora practices on increasing interethnic competition in the Russian society.Keywords: Civic nation; national-cultural autonomy; dual loyalty; national identity; overlapping identity; ethnocultural diversity
All-Russian unity and the main directions of Russia’s state national policy in the context of the civilizational identity conceptLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2024. 4. p.228-245read more121
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state national policy of the Russian Federation, the problems of national unity in the light of the concept of Russia's civilizational identity. Taking into account the growing turbulence of the modern world, the authors stress the importance of measures to ensure the national security of various states associated with the understanding of their civilizational identity, their role and place on the world stage. These processes directly affect Russia. The understanding of Russia as a distinctive state-civilization is currently enshrined in official documents. The task arises of ensuring Russia's civilizational security, which is closely related to ethnopolitical security. However, solving the problems arising in this area - first of all, the problem of ensuring all-Russian national unity - faces a number of difficulties. They are connected mainly with the insufficiently clear elaboration of ideas about the content of Russian civic identity. The latter, as experts note, should take into greater account the importance of the ethnocultural factor in the life of the country. Understanding the role of this factor and its place in the system of governmental administration is now an urgent task for government authorities and the expert community.Keywords: state national policy of the Russian Federation, distinctive state-civilization, global development, civilizational security, ethnopolitical security, all-Russian unity, civic identity.