To the question of conversion of closed administrative-territorial formations into federal territoriesLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 4. p.40-65read more590
The article proposes to evaluate the possible consequences of the transformation of closed administrative-territorial formation (CATFs) into federal territories. Th e author comes to the following conclusions. Giving CATF the status of a federal territory will make it possible to more accurately determine its place in the territorial structure of Russia, eliminating the current duality of its legal nature (as an administrative-territorial entity and as a municipal entity). The withdrawal of the CATF territory from the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation will solve the problem of the mismatch between the borders of CATFs and regions, but the procedure for creating, transforming and abolishing CATFs will not change signifi cantly. Within the framework of the federal territory of a closed type, it will be possible to form a completely new system of state bodies. Th e author proposes to create a single centralized system managed by the head of a CATF, accountable to the relevant department. At the same time, territorial bodies of federal authorities can be retained on the territory of CATFs only if necessary. In terms of the organization of local self-government, it is proposed to abandon the identity of the territory of a CATF and the territory of the municipality. Either smaller municipalities within a closed federal territory should be created, or the structure of a municipality can be completely abandoned, providing fi nancing the activities of local governments at the expense of the budget of the federal territory. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that a closed federal territory is able to more eff ectively provide a special regime for the safe functioning of organizations and objects.Keywords: closed administrative-territorial formation; closed territory; federal territory; public authority arrangement; local self-government