Molchanov Igor N.

Molchanov I.N.
Doctor of Economics
Doctor of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4252-2387
Scopus ID: 57207529880
ResearcherID: J-7684-2012
Country strategic planning in the context of strengthe ning economic securityLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 2. p.141-159read more711
In a changing reality, the topical problem for research is the choice of means and tools for managing the national economy of Russia at the expense of internal development resources. Optimization of economic activity and entering the trajectory of sustainable growth can be achieved with a combination of market rules and planning principles, the use of which is very successfully achieved through strategic documents and government programs, and historical experience confirms the high eff ectiveness of this approach in several countries around the world. To solve the set research tasks, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative and content analysis, and expert assessments are used. Based on the legislative and regulatory framework of strategic planning, scientifi c publications of scientists, the article analyzes the practice of developing and implementing state programs and national projects, the current state of program-targeted activities, and identifi es problems that hinder it in the context of strengthening the economic security of the Russian state. It is shown that as the methodological foundations of strategic planning evolve at diff erent stages of economic development, its contribution to the management of the national economy increases. The key role of the coordinating function in the work of the Government aimed at streamlining the tools of economic programming and the application of innovative methods and technologies in the development and implementation of program documents has been established. Certain shortcomings of the strategy mechanism and formulated approaches to its improvement have been identified. The expediency of developing strategic planning tools in the new geopolitical reality is justified. The demand for studying advanced domestic and foreign practices to develop the institution of orientation planning as the basis of the planned strategic management system in Russia has been proven.Keywords: national goals and strategic priorities; economic security; strategic planning; monitoring and control; spatial strategy; efficiency and eff ectiveness of management