The Ossetian-Ingush conflict against the background of the geopolitical situation in the world and in the Caucasus region in the early 1990sLomonosov Public Administration Journal. Series 21 2023. 2. p.104-125read more653
The article examines the Ossetian-Ingush confl ict in the context of the geopolitical upheavals of the early 1990s, the collapse of the Soviet Union. The deepest political crisis that engulfed the Russian Federation as the successor to the USSR led to numerous armed clashes between diff erent ethnic groups. In this context, the Caucasus region stands out because, in addition to the political transformations that took place in the country, some peoples of this region were subjected to repression during the Stalinist regime, which largely determines the scale and severity of armed clashes. The Ossetian-Ingush conflict is a vivid example of this, refl ecting the contradictory interethnic situation in the regions of the post-Soviet space. In addition, the geopolitical situation in the Caucasus in the early 1990s. It was formed under the infl uence of large world states, which this region was attracted by its geographical location, the presence of natural resources and large industrial enterprises. Russia considered the existing ethnic contradictions from the point of view of geopolitical risks, given that neighboring states pursuing their own interests could use armed confl icts, mainly on interethnic and religious grounds, as a convenient excuse for external intervention. In the analysis of the escalation of the Ossetian-Ingush confl cts, a signifi cant amount of normative legal acts is used, the results of which led to the conclusion that neither the regional nor the federal authorities took proper measures to prevent interethnic clashes on their territory. Th e article reveals in detail the reasons and motives that played a key role in building Russia’s policy towards the warring parties in the framework of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict.Keywords: geopolitics; Vainakh; Chechen; Ingush; Ossetian; USSR; Russian Federation