ISSN 2073-2643
En Ru
ISSN 2073-2643
System of International Anti-corruption Interaction: Legal Foundations, Principles, Priorities

System of International Anti-corruption Interaction: Legal Foundations, Principles, Priorities


The article attempts to systematize the basic characteristics, goals, objectives, principles and effectiveness of the existing system of international cooperation in the field of combating corruption. In his scientific analysis, the author proceeds from the fact that the international anti-corruption cooperation is diverse and multi-level, is a set of universal relations of global, regional and cross-country level, is implemented in the mode of close international cooperation between the subjects of global governance, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, transnational corporations, other structures and institutions. It is shown that corruption deviations have now come to the fore in the list of priority areas in the fight not only against national but also transnational crime. Such cooperation includes a coordinated anti-corruption policy, strategy and tactics, the elaboration and ratification of relevant international agreements and treaties, their incorporation into the legislation of individual States and their subsequent implementation, taking into account national conditions, opportunities and traditions. It also takes into account the objective reality that corruption in the modern world has become a crossborder, well-organized illegal activity, steadily expanding the scope of its negative impact. It therefore requires the utmost attention from the highest levels of government, law enforcement agencies and relevant international institutions. The final part of the article assesses the role and analyzes the features of the strategic course of the Russian Federation and its law enforcement agencies in the system of international anti-corruption cooperation, presents the political and legal mechanism and management tools for the implementation of relevant international conventions, treaties and agreements. Attention is also drawn to the problem of corruption export.

The main conclusion is that anti-corruption measures, if they are to be effective, must be politically, legally and economically well-grounded, must be implemented systematically and continuously, organically combined with consolidated actions on a global scale.


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Received: 10/12/2019

Accepted: 11/12/2019

Accepted date: 12/12/2019

Keywords: state, corruption, anti-corruption standards, areas of high corruption risk, legality, convention, international cooperation, anti-corruption, forms of international cooperation, management, efficiency

Available in the on-line version with: 30.12.2019

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Issue 4, 2019