ISSN 2073-2643
En Ru
ISSN 2073-2643
Relations between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy at the Final Stage of the Unification of Italy

Relations between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy at the Final Stage of the Unification of Italy


The article is dedicated to the relations between the Holy See and the Italian government at the final stage of the process of Italian unification. The author considers the seizure of Rome on September 20, 1870, to be a significant milestone. After this event the sides faced a need to continue the dialogue in brand new circumstances. The article examines both steps taken by the Italian government in order to achieve a compromise with Pius IX and those aimed at the incorporation of Rome and provinces of the Papal States into the Italian Kingdom. Special attention is given to the reaction of the Holy See on the actions of the Italian side, as well as the Pontiff ’s efforts to maintain temporal power as a guarantee of respect for his rights of the Head of the Church.


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Received: 12/12/2020

Accepted: 12/12/2020

Accepted date: 12/12/2020

Keywords: Pius IX, Papal States, Italy, the Holy See, nation-state formation, church-state relations, the Roman question, the Pope’s temporal power

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2021

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Issue 2, 2021